don't look back in anger, i heard you say / Monday, February 13, 2006
i've come back t blogger because diary x is still down! )):
i know i've used this skin before but heck lah. it's so bloody hard t find a skin. i still have t edit a lil' stuff here and there and i'll do that later. i'm pretty tired of editting stuff right now.
as for my tagboard, i'm not editting it because it'll be v hard t change back the colours if diary x gets back online. so yah.
and if diary x gets back online, i'll transfer all the entries here back t diary x.. oh i really do hope it gets backk online soon!
friday's crepe day in french class was kinda stupid.. and boring. and yea.
i pretty much hate t____ right now. btw, that's not the jealous idiot i'm talking about.. it's another idiot. actually you know what? i pretty much hate every single guy right now. yea, i'm going back t being sexist. actually that whatever idiot kinda changed me but, ah whateverr..
today didn't start out v good.
wahlau, in freshmen ws she made freakin' seating assignments for us. wtf.
right, like it's gonna stop us from making noise and talking and stuff..
today wasn't v good because of
that idiot. i don't get why he kinda ignored me. but it's over now. talked t him this morning.. seems like there might be something else going on, on the other side of the world.. :/
i should really get over it..
yea, i was pretty depressed today.. BUT THEN ALBIE CAME ALONG! :D hahahaha
she cheered me up! ((:
i love you albie! (:
p.e. once again was retarded playing tt retarded ball game but it was funny too.
jamie's damn wierd lahh.
oh yah, there's this new girl,
heard that she's from texas. pretty cool way she spelled her name huh? hahaha
kay, au revoir!
-oh sing with me i want youu!
3:28 PM