formulae: hop + e
elisabeth. aka lisais
aka "emo"
aka peanut!

mahhching/jazzband - tenor sax
student senate


christian (:
chocoholic! :D

The current mood of lisais at

hotmail - peachypeachypeach
aim - whheex

`___mellisais productons-

three words story

do my johari window

GIR! my crazy dancing dog!! <33


2. boots


25 christmas!

1 new year's!
19 start of spring semester

ello poppit!


note: will update links asap

abbie |albie |alicia |alyssa |amber |angela |annie |APUSH |bro |carvey |clarice |denise |devin |elizabeth |e1/1 class blog |joella |joey |joy |julia |katie |kaycee |linda |li-en |lydia |margaret |meg |melinda |mel jiejie |melody |mr jandreau |ms major |noomayra |olivia yiew |rachel ong |rachel yew |rebekah |rosanne |ryan clancy |sarah |shannon |sharon |shu sze |vidya |xiaoling |yan han | yanhui |yen |yiwen ng |yi wen ong |zhi yong


- new interface
- day three - lazy day
- sunday - christmas break day 2
- cookie fest!
- Last Day
- a sad heart
- talking to the moon
- the imaginary monologue that i'll probably never h...
- what makes a good leader?

February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
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July 2007
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October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
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October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
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November 2009
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May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
October 2010
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Designer: li0nheart
Code base: Ebullient*
Flash: ~thehermitdesign

since 120306

gobble gobble babble babble / Monday, November 26, 2007

hi! thanksgiving is over and school's back! kindas bittersweet because i'm really tired right now, but i miss people. didnt do much over thanksgiving break except watch peterpan a bunch o' time while doing that intense pre-calc homework on steroids. although, i must say, i didnt feel steroidical. oh, i watched edward scissorhands too! yeah! and house!

don't you just love the british accent? there's just something about it that turns me on. maybe it's how its so perfectly proper. (:

right now i'm in study hall and i just got back from lunch. and i'm thinking maybe i needed that hot cocoa. i learnt something new last week: hot cocoa gives you more caffeine than coffee. and its great new because i LOVE hot cocoa.

i know right now i'm just rambling because i'm bored. yes, i know i should be doing that silly write-up study reviews sheet. but i'll do that at home.

theory was.. uhh.. different today. there was singing. which i think i needed it. if not, my mind would've been like it was floating on a fluffy pink cloud. and my body and head bobbing up and down like i was a bopping head toy. and then we were interupted by the not so stealth eric quinn. dont know what he's doing here at the high school today. cant be that thing that lillly was part of last yea if not he'd have a 9th grader with him.

today feels short. which is very good.

oh yeah! church! youth group tomorrow! (: and then unite on friday! want to go so badly! i must go! why cant you see why!! aww man. i really hope my mom gives in so that she'll sign that consent form and i can go!

oh and thursday night!!.. banquet!! marchingband banquet! we'll get our medals! :D super excited!! been trying to call mrs fletcher but her phone keeps going to voicemail. ridiculous i say.

i hereby label my blog BABBLER. because its so true of it. there's no deep thought about whatever and not many pictures until you cant find text and well, its not exactly dead. well. i'm off to find other things to do now. till then!

11:05 AM


la dee dah / Wednesday, November 21, 2007

got home from youth group so late last night. because i went over to the andreasons after. and well, i guess i made my mom worry. well, here's a picture rachel's mom gave me from the night of the progressive dinner!:

5:13 PM


sprinkle me periwinkle! / Tuesday, November 20, 2007

woot! woot!
i survived!

even the sky is celebrating! that's right! its... SNOWING!! :D

my hand is dead. now i'm off to watch romantic princess on youtube. it sounds like such a dumb title, but its addicting. speaking of which, check this out! (ms major cracked up watching this hehe):

despite of this, i still don't like this song. it's just hilarious >.<

11:56 AM


kapow! / Saturday, November 17, 2007

haha! look at my calendar. its so out of date. but it'd be pointless to look because i would've most probably changed it already.

i have nothing to blog about. nothing in this world sparks a thought. so.. uhh.. hmm

i shall continue to waste life away instead of doing the apush study guide. ah, i've forgotten what to do for english. pshh.. i'll just ask jamie or the ben on monday. can't wait for next week! 1.5 day week! why cant they just give us the whole week off? seriously.. what's the point of going to school for just 1.5 days? and dont give all that crap that we'll have an earlier summer.

wanna know another retarded thing about our school? brought up by janaye, our grading system:

A - 93-100
B - 85-93
C - ? - 85
D - 70 - ?

and in other schools:

A - 90 -100
B - ...
D - 60 - ...

and the gpa's are based on the grade letters not numbers which is really retarded because as janaye was saying, if some person from another school got a 91/A and then you got a 92/B the other person's gpa would be higher! but your numbers higher just that they were catagorized under a different grading system.. its ridiculous.

what happened to the sg's passing is 50 and an A is 75? haha
man, but the tests werent as easy to do well on i suppose. or no, i'm just a moron.

speaking of which, physics was pretty moronic yesterday.


10:46 AM


i am stalking the people that are stalking me / Wednesday, November 14, 2007

my unusually happy feeling is going away.. oh here comes pressure. i am going to die for the next week. 2 english essays and notes on 25 pages of my hist textbook due on friday. DIEDIEDIE. oh and then frq part of a hist test on monday and the mcq on tuesday. DIEDIEDIE. but wednesday till next monday will be very joyous. thats right, good ole thanksgiving. (:

cant wait.

unless i'm already DEAD by then.


12:15 PM
