i'll sleep in your embrace at last / Friday, March 31, 2006
whheee! its friday! ((:
today was quite warm. according t the forecast its about high sixties fahrenheit.
ystd's concert went pretty well. parker was here but somehow he didn't seem t play as well. well, duh, he was pretty sick and well, no one played the scale thing at the end of new world var.
so back t the warm weather.
yaye! spring is here! well, once the first leaf sprouts out, it truly is spring! ((:
will record till when a see the first leaf sprout.. because i feel like it okay.
jealous idiot shaved his head! i think its because he joined track or something. stupid lah, why does one need t shave off their hair in track? aerodynamics?? sighh.. i don't like bald headed people. >.<
gonna watch more
ming dao now!
au revoir!
- no leaf seen
2:25 PM