malt candy! / Wednesday, March 15, 2006
ah, today was shitty. yes. just shitty.
had my french oral just now and i think i spoke too soft on the recording. omg, if mr pitre say something like,
elisabeth, you have t do it again i will kill him.
its an ipod right? just raise the bloody volume!
so here's what i said..
OH FUCK!.. i didn't say my name!.. i just remembered that. oh well. now i will have t do it again for sure. >.<
anyways, what i said..
c'est samedi et andre et sa petite amie font du shopping. ils portent les vetements vertes. ils achetent un anorak rouge/rose. apres le shopping, ils nagent parce que il fait beau. apres le nager, ils vont au cafe et ils boient un cafe... uhh.. apres, ils vont a..eughh.. it was oh so very shitty.
i kinda hate the way the tables were arranged in french today. they were all together and everyone sat around it. i like sitting with andy and iGOR.. hahaha. they're really funny. sitting with mike was okay too. everyonelse is like very hostile. well, okay, i'm pretty hostile too.
we did more research on the greek mythology project and apollo was gay! actually more like bi. hahahaha. and he had the most beautiful body in greek standards and wow! you should've seen this portriate of him.. he posed so gayishly! ahahaha
mr kahill told christie-lee this version of the birth of aphrodite.
this important person whose name i don't know cut off the penis/testicles of his father who was a king or something? and threw it into the sea! and somethingsomething happened.. i don't know what happened la and aphrodite was born! hahahaha
mr furbush wasn't here today.. again. because he went off with the seniors to a play.
whee! i can't wait for the 14th apr because then i'm gonna see a play AND SKIP SCHOOL! woohoo!
oh but damn lah. the whole day but last period. so if its a red day.. i still have french.. BOO! and if its a white day, gym.. BOO TOO!
oh well la.
can't watch frog prince! the sound isn't working! poohoo!
au revoir!
- you're just jealous of my girlish charm!
2:17 PM