hallelujah by&by / Wednesday, April 26, 2006
today, i'm gonna tell you guys the true story of cinderella.
once upon a time, as you all know, there was a girl named cinderella, who's widowed father married a deceptive woman with two daughters and yadayadayada.. all the same except that cinderella did not wear glass slippers t the ball. oh no she didn't. but she did wear slipper made of
man, it changes the glassy look of the fairytale huh.
yeah, mr pitre told that t us in french today.
cinderella was by some guy.. perra___. i don't know and he wrote it as uhmm.. whatever fur is in french [i forgot okay] and when someone was translating the book from french t english, that someone mixed up the fur word with
verre, glass.
and voila! glass slippers!
sounds much nicer too doesn't it?
i really don't like mr pitre. i don't like how he insulted the music today. wahlau. yeah right the music we hear today is
unmusical. *rolls eyes*
had a math test today.
grr.. i can't draw the bloody sine and cosine graphs!
i took the second longest t complete.. jake took the longest, as always because he's always checking&checking&checkingsomemore. yeap.
and i was erasing&erasing&erasingsomemore. gahh.
oh yeah. and guess what!
yes, final exams! :o
its like on the last three days of school! wahlau. ):<
and because i joined ap hist for next year, this summer i have t read the WHOLE of next year's hist textbook. great ain't it?
watched some more
o' brother where art thou in eng. just fyi, its supposed t be a version of
the odyssey.
but you must go and watch that movie. it's so friggin funny!
everette! look! his heart is beating!.. *gasp* NOOOO! THE SIRENS HAVE TURNED HIM INTO A HORNY TOAD!!bwahahahahaha!! that part was damn funny. GO SEE!! :D
au revoir!
- i wanna cut my hair!
2:35 PM