because you're mine, i walk the line / Wednesday, September 06, 2006
okay, so the stuff that happened yesterday... phototaking, it was so dumb. they set up this pose thing where you choose one of five poses and go to the booth where they force you to do that particular pose. it was so ridiculous. i prefer that normal type where you just sit there smile.. or look stoned.
after that homebase and then some boring assembly in the auditorium. then off t class for info and what t bring and whatnot.
before everything dissapeared, i typed that i hated my schedule because every class isn't on one floor.. unlike last year where i had hist followed by geom followed by eng all on one floor, all next to each other and all one period after the next.. man i liked last year's schedule. this year's feels so tight.
like first, on red days, i have bio on the first floor, then i have t across to band and then i have t climb up t the third floor t english and then cross t the other wing of the school to french.. and then white days starts off with bio again first floor, go up t third/second
[i forgot] floor for math and then back down t first for health and then back up t the second floor for hist... so much more tiring than last year okay. ):
i wanted t change me schedule t make it less tiring.. but then i changed my mind because if i did there might be a high possibility that i would be moved in from red day french t white.. because andy was in the same block of french of mine.. because i can cheat with him in french.. heh heh..
oh well. so now i'm gonna change.. not because of my tiring schedule, but i don't really connect well with the people in that class and i see no point in being in that class and i see why he made fun of ahem ahem(s).. ahemahem can talk about pointless stuff sometimes. so i'm either changing t the other white day french class or moving up t french IV. i feel that actually last year i should've gone t french iii because i knew all those stuff already.. just that i wanted t remain with all the freshmen and i wanted t revise passe compose..
had i known that we'd only learn that at the end of the year.. and now i'm not sure of french iv because i'm wondering what we're going t learn in french iii and what i'll be missing and my damn brother won't tell me well.. so i decided t choose the one that would affect my schedule the least because i like being in the same classes as albie and laura..
which brings me t band. i hate it. i miss having kelly nd albie sitting next t me and albie's wacky drawings and laughing for no apparent reason with kelly. ):
i feel so alone in the tenor section.. man, i want t go t wind ensemble or switch t the other concert band period.. BUT I CAN'T. because wind ensemble, i'm not good enough and if i switch t the other band period would mean that i have t drop apush which i can't drop because my parents would be all dissapointed and my bro would be like,
so bleahh.. just gonna change french. shall see mrs sturm tomorrow.
off t shower!
3:01 PM