CRAZY day / Wednesday, October 18, 2006
PSATs today was
mad. for all sections, I JUST DID NOT HAVE ENOUGH TIME. aghhh. i have at least 28 blank qns in total on that test i had not filled. because for english, a lot of the qns were about vocabulary and words that i didn't have much of clear meanings to. and so i spent more than 2 min trying t figure out the right answer and as a result, for the first section, i had ten blank little bubbles.. and yeah, they are all mcqs.
but still, not enough time lah. the second section i realized that oh okay, must skimskimskim through the questions then, if not i will not finish at all. AND I STILL DIDN'T FINISH. and you know what? and then it hit me half way through the third section, the reason why the other people managed to finish is because a lot of them just guessed randomly. wahlau. if they score higher than me, i'm gonna be so pissed because i would regret even doing just a fast skim through the qns instead of randomly circling bubbles!.. and not because they did better than me. please don't misunderstand what i'm saying. just that i would regret my decision of fast skimming
instead of random filling in. and when i say fast, i mean fast.. fast enough for me t comprehend the questions at least which were like 20 secs for each qns. and it was including the math qns.
and then there were a few that i took more than two minutes. but the second half of the last section was so easy.. just the first half of it ate up so much time. if the real SATs are going t be this fast, dude, i don't know what t do.. but fortunetely, every wrong answer just means minus 1/4 point. but then i was thinking,
eh there's two meanings. one that if you get one qns wrong it's -1/4 points off the overall points. example, the maximum grade is let's say 80 and so one qns wrong, just 1/4 point off.
or it could mean two, -1/4 over the score that i got. so for example, got one qns wrong so 79/80 and then minus another 1/4 point..
i really hope it's not the latter if not i'm sure t fail the PSATs..
okay, after typing it all out, it might not be the latter.. but yet i still don't know.
and if it is the prior one, then it's only at the 10 points that i will get wrong.. might have a little more off.. hopefully no. don't you just love how i'm very insecure and low-thinking-about-myself i am right now? gah..
and well, i'm actually quite glad that next year we get t do another PSAT before taking the SATs a few months later, because it just makes me practise answer qns faster.. although i do deteste the test itself.. SATs are like PSLE all over AGAIN. because you're thinking..
what college t go to?? will i do well enough t get into my first choice college?? just like how we used t be like,
oh will i get into the best secondary school of my choice??so similar right?
after the psats, went for french and half an hour later this person passed this note t mdm laplante that i was encouraged t be excused for another follow up meeting for that uhmm.. remember that leadership programme about discrimination with the SLUR thing and all? yeah, today was the second followup meeting. i actually don't see why we have t have follow up meetings but.. whatever i guess.
and back t the calvin peters thing, it was actually touching today because all his friends were wearing two pigtails and a wait bandana on their wrist to represent him and stuff. i think that's pretty sweet of them. (:
so today afterschool from 2-8pm the freshman, sophmore, junior and senior classes are doing hall decorating. it's the hall decorating competition as part of spirit week. and i stayed back afterschool earlier to help out the sophmore class because as you know, i'm a sophmore! (: and then left at about 3.30 to come home t this lovely computer to blog and do
HISTORY. i really wanted t stay longer but i had already called my mom to pick me up and she was waitting. and i stayed 10 minutes later and so yeah, she had been waitting for 10 minutes and i decided,
sigh, gotta go. but i did some cool glitter painting! :D
oh and i got back that history quiz.. another HORRIBLE test. 79. dammit. i didn't write enough.
school is insane.
random picture!

very random. just felt like there should be a picture for looks after so many paragraphs of words. (:
5:22 PM