so i really hate my modem right now / Saturday, February 03, 2007
yesterday in french we had this conversation thing and i was partnered up with brian and we had t act like he was my dad and i just crashed my parents car. and he wasn't a very good parent because i got away with crashing the car. (:
j'ai frappe la voiture parceque j'ai boire beacoup.
[yes i know its supposed t be in past tense] mais ce n'est pas ma faulte parceque c'est mon ami qui me donne le boite.
all he did was call me a mal fille. hahaha
and then hannah's and christina's was about someone having their parents away and the worst that could happen happened and the parents had just called from their away trip. and so hannah was the girl who was called fifi!.. which i just realized is the name of the girl in my newly created comic strip! coincidence.
anyways, christina was like.. fifi is everything at home alright? fifi? fifi! FIFI!!!!.. in a really high pitch.. hahaha
and hannah was thinking that fifi would be such a nice myspace name like but it would be taken up already because it's so common like, so you would have t put fififififififi
and then anna was like it's like, tomatomatomatomatomatomatomato
because you can repeat part of it and it would like you're repeating the same word! because just repeating the mato and tomato looks like you're repeating tomato! and then hanah also mention torontorontorontorontorontorontorontoronto.. you know the city toronto in canada? hahaha
oh and here's what my comic strip looks like so far:
1:59 PM