yeah, i finally got t uploading my french proj. on youtube and here you go. and it had t be split into to because apparentely the file size is too big.. -.-
part 1(must watch 2.45!)
part 2
yeah, my dubbing isnt all that great.
so yesterday's match was cancelled because of that darn rain and thunderstorm that lasted for half an hour more than 4 hours before the match. but i don't get why it was cancelled because on the way home i saw the boys practicing. gah.
the team dinner was nice. did a few cartwheels with kaylee again. played monkey in the parallelogram.. hahaha. it was pretty segregated-like. there was coconut shrimp and this girl, alison, who had never eaten shrimp before.. even though she lives in MAINE, and so she ate the whole thing. and then she was shocked t find shells in her mouth!.. because she ate the tail too.. baha.
it feels like new town all over again. like many of my friendships last a blissful year and then its pretty much gone. because kelly.. she seems t be mad with me.. so ill just give some space. thats what i thought of rosanne, but then rosanne wasn't actually annoyed with me at all. oh well. i can see why she would be mad though i find it a little bit ridiculous.
now i see all the hard work of apush. damn apush. ms major is now giving us loads of work. and then summer.. wowee. alrighty. i shall procrastinate for several more hours before i go and do workloads of apush. and theres health stress thingymajig that i'll just make up crap for it.