formulae: hop + e
elisabeth. aka lisais
aka "emo"
aka peanut!

mahhching/jazzband - tenor sax
student senate


christian (:
chocoholic! :D

The current mood of lisais at

hotmail - peachypeachypeach
aim - whheex

`___mellisais productons-

three words story

do my johari window

GIR! my crazy dancing dog!! <33


2. boots


25 christmas!

1 new year's!
19 start of spring semester

ello poppit!


note: will update links asap

abbie |albie |alicia |alyssa |amber |angela |annie |APUSH |bro |carvey |clarice |denise |devin |elizabeth |e1/1 class blog |joella |joey |joy |julia |katie |kaycee |linda |li-en |lydia |margaret |meg |melinda |mel jiejie |melody |mr jandreau |ms major |noomayra |olivia yiew |rachel ong |rachel yew |rebekah |rosanne |ryan clancy |sarah |shannon |sharon |shu sze |vidya |xiaoling |yan han | yanhui |yen |yiwen ng |yi wen ong |zhi yong


- sniffle snuffle
- bop ba di bop bop
- fly!
- memories
- on the verge
- sleep deprived
- the blog post in an email
- no one mourns the wicked
- come home soon

February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
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Designer: li0nheart
Code base: Ebullient*
Flash: ~thehermitdesign

since 120306

she said i know / Friday, September 21, 2007

so many things have happened this week. well, not too much, but several things aight. tuesday as you know was marching band field practice, where mr skeff made me feel like crap. because of the sock and hem thing. and then it just hit me.. i should've just taped the inside of my pants instead of heming with the hideous blue thread! and the black sock thing. yeah, i suppose its totally my fault for not knowing that it shoud be BLACK... because jazzband he also asked for BLACK. dangit.

i'm hemming them black now.. my mom bought some black thread finally.. it's actually rather therapeutic removing all this hideous thread. its as if i'm peeling away all the awfulness i've been feeling the past week. i wonder if i'm taking it too seriously. well, anyway, its almost gone. and yes, i'm blogging and doing this at the same time.

and now.. its all GONE! (:

so wednesday i decided to stay back and look for mr slack for help with my precal. and he was very helpful. now i know when the cp's are zero. and then thursday, yesterday i had the precal quiz, which i hope i do EXTREMELY well.. like 100! oh wow! yes! 100! i would like that very much. oh and on wednesday i didnt go for senate because I FORGOT T GET A RIDE. dangit again.

and today i had my first physics test! omg. its SO much easier than ms richman's good ole' bio tests! hahaha. like when i first got the test, i was like.. damn. i might take longer than the class time. and then i finished early! and i was like.. it feels too easy you know.

oh and i must not forgot this. lilly, amelia and i came up with a new winter sport that we hope ms crocker accepts (although i feel she will not take us seriously, and if she does, joy!).. FOLIAGE JUMPING!

okay. it all started after seeing mr slack on wed and i was waitting for the late bus and i saw lilly and amelia. and they were asking me if i would join a tea party book club.. and yeah, why not? and then on the bus we planned. we'll drink tea and eat scones as we talk about books and philosophy! and agreed to go over to lilly's the next day, thursday, to talk about how we would present it to ms crocker. come thursday, we go over to lilly's, spend most of the time talking about our lives and not our new club..

we eventually talked a little bit but got off topic again when lilly went t play some music on her computer and asked us to watch something from her canadian model friend! a video of foliage jumping!

and then i was like.. WE SHOULD ADD THIS TO OUR CLUB!!

and then lilly was like.. yeah! no wait! IT SHOULD BE A SPORT!



and then lilly's like, yeah, in the winter we will have foliage jumping as the school's new winter sport! and then in the spring we'll sit down, drink tea and eat scones. and talk about philosophy!

oh wow. i really want all this happen! ms crocker better take us seriously because we all are DAMN SERIOUS about this new sport. IT IS A SPORT. and then we'll condition people by putting them in wheel barrows and driving them into those fake christmas trees! they don't use the football field in the winter anyways.

and no matter what, lilly, amelia and i are making shirts for our foliage jumping sport! and i guess we'll make them for those who want t join us in the wonderful new sport! its an extreme sport alright!

you didn't see the competition last week? oh man, you missed it!


9:54 PM
