Hello! This is my first post writing from my new tablet! and... this is my first typing on my new tablet!
it's muchfaster to type so i'm going to continue this typing.
okie dokie.
when was the last time i posted? oh i don't know. probably a month ago. i don't know why it has taken me so long. but here i am! a lot has happened since the last time i posted something. like... I GOT A JOB. like a real legit job. uh huh. at a lab! i love it. for the most part.
well.. i'm extremely awkward, so the whole thing is just awkward for me. especially because i have no experience. so this is good. i just hope i don't end up being the annoying.
hmm. chem. i don't really want to talk about it, but i guess i need the therapy. -sigh- i've two exams in my course so far and.. i did awful for both of them. 59 and then 64.5. ugh. it's stressing me out because i don't want to end up getting a D, or even a C in that class.. or any class for that matter. in the beginning i didn't even want a B. now i'm going to be very happy, getting a B. chemistry isn't all that hard to understand, but for reason that class makes me want to shoot myself. it's terrible.
moving on to a more cheery subject, i had a midterm i had a midterm for world lit on thursday and i hardly read any of the books we were supposed to read in that class. and i wouldn't be surprised if i got a B. (:
so... i'm doing my psych homework right now.. kinda. yea.