ANTI-VALENTINES DAY! / Tuesday, February 14, 2006
you know how rachel is anti lotsa stuff? well, i've figured out what i'm anti.
once again, i say this.. VALENTINES DAY IS A RETARDED HOLIDAY!
but since alot of ppl has wished me a happy valentines day, fine, i shall wish you all the same backk.
happy valentines day peeps!
albie gave me the best valentine.. haha it's so funny.. oh how i love it so! ahahahaha
remember how i said earlier on diary x that i was gonna be real tempermental today? not as tempermental because the person whom i was expecting something t happen from wasn't here today.. oh phooey.
then i think i'm gonna really really tempermental tomorrow... -.-
oh yah, today in french, mr pitre rearranged the tables. and fortunetely he didn't change the sitting arrangements! ((: i love my
anti-almost-the-whole-class-table! hahaha
today in homebase we had t do this retarded survey about alcohol and drug use and blahh. was kinda a stupid.. yah i know it's so the city can see the amt of underaged drug abusers and blahh but like.. does it really help?
they haven't really done anything t help but tell youths t join an after school activity and blah.. ah whatever.. the good thing abt it.. i was late for maths..
oh how i want t burn you, you purple book!next week is mid winter break! woohoo! can finally talk t
that idiot after more than a month. kinda talked t him on mon so it kinda cooled me down abit..
kay, au revoir!
- oh sing with me, i waant youu
3:07 PM