dream a little dream of me / Saturday, April 29, 2006
i just had a really wierd dream. well, two actually because i woke up earlier and then went back t sleep.
first dream:i was with
that idiot and with some friends i guess. yeah. and we went t this place that looked kinda abandoned and decided t check it out. then we saw something that told us that there were some natives coming and they would capture us and stuff like that..
or was it that we saw natives coming. i don't know. but i remember there were these tribe people who reminded of ah yes, the yannomamis
and so
that idiot and i and friends were trying t run out of the abandoned building before the tribe people yannos found us but then we realized that they were too close so we decided t hide.
the yannos entered the building..
that idiot and i were hiding away.
they were chinese tourists or something.. no there were carcausians too. and then we told them of the yannos coming t capture us and stuff. so we all went t find a hiding spot.
then i saw a fire exit where we could go through because the yannos were all in the building and so everyone rushed t the fire exit and ran down the stairs and when people got to the first floor, there were the yannos dressed in the hawaiian type of shirts!
and they were a;ready capturing people.
so that idiot and i, holding hands, went back up and the wierd thing i just realized is that the hawaiian yannos never chased us. anyways when we went back up, i think the yannos found the fire exit and so that idiot&i went back down but stopped in the middle t think how t get out.
and out of nowhere came whatever idiot and he said,
wanna come with me? and i agreed because i really wanted t escape. and he pulled me away. i tried t drag
that idiot along but he just let go..
somehow whatever idiot mananged t get pass the hawaiian shirted yannos and while dreaming, i pondered on why. and then, as i was really scared that the yannos would grab one of my hands or something and pull me away so, i clung onto whatever idiot with both hands.
we ran somewhere.. my kitchen? or some abandoned room that looked like my kitchen. and he took a frozen chicken out of the freezer and placed it in the oven t cook. then we looked around for a hiding place. and i thought of the oven.. that thought had been bugging me throughout the whole dream or something.
so he opened the oven and we looked at it for awhile and moved the chicken up one level so that i could fit. then i thought
this is one great hiding spot. i can hide while the chicken cooks! and then i realized!...
CRAP! if the chicken is cooking i'll be cooking too!..
and then i woke up. and it pondered in my head for awhile, what should i have done?..
i think while my dream was on the staircase, my mind was also thinking abt aqmfs. and yeah all of a sudden whatever idiot. i don't take this dream as me liking whoever because no.
i will not. if i do, i'll die.. sorta. so no!second dream:it was really wierd. it started off with me buying a cd, chronicles of life and death by good charlotte and my phone rang.. it was rachel and her friends!
they were prank calling me.
and because i knew it was them, i just played along. and then rachel&her friends knew that i already knew it was them but we still played along.
meanwhile, i was walking around with my brand new cd and in my kitchen, there was this hole thatidon'tknowwhatit'susedfor and the neighbour next door was looking through it. oh yeah, i guess that hole was for asking each other for salt and stuff like that. although, in reality, my kitchen doesn't have that hole.. fortunetely.
anyways, i had t hang up on rachel&friends and when i went t check out the hole, he went away. then i was washing my hands or or something and some stuff that i forgot happened..
and all of a sudden i was in moelc.. but it looked kinda different. and there was some villian and some tower and some stuff dealing with pokemons.. wtf? pokemons?!
my bro&i brought down the evil villian and suddenly these curtains opened and the pokemons were playing in a school type of band, one of my bro's favourite songs. which is just so weird.
there was also this foreign student at a stairwell and we decided t sit next t him. i think he was dutch or something. and he talked in
dutch? some gibberish like
doireoinfinfwijdsdmfne. and i told him i didn't understand dutch and asked him t speak in english. and he said
i'm the only one in this school who likes this song.
and then my bro replied that he understood dutch..
yeah, i know. its really random.
and then along came kelly!
and i told her the guy was dutch and she said some funny&random stuff and was totally amazed by him and had a crush on him because she thought he was cute. hahahaha..
and i woke up.
okay, there weremore details t this second dream but while recapping my first one while blogging, i kinda forgot some. yeah.. some stuff happened with the good charlotte cd and some argument happened with the old male neighbour.
before i forget,
happy birthday chanel!
ah, gotta do my science lab final draft.
au revoir!
- finished with epi.8
5:20 AM