name of the game / Wednesday, April 05, 2006
i was right all along. although it seemed like a dunnodunno what, my instincts were actually true. i heard someone say something t someone about something. yeah.. but still, oh morning sucked. because of
that something. jealous idiot was absent today. he caught the
black plague. oh who cares?.
science was really quiet because baxter and clancy and steven were absent. somehow, i want t be sick too. got back my test, 88% yeah i know its high but ITS NOT AN A! I WANT A'S!! -.-"
in band, we recieved new music and now we're playing...
THE INCREDIBLES!!woohoo! it sounds real james bond and sick but i don't really like it because the tenor part kinda sucks.. poo!
gym was sucky. we had t the community center and had t teach little kids how t jump rope. i was really scared because err.. they're just scary sometimes. well, it was okay but there was this really hyper boy and was jumping all around and running in a circle around libby.
oh, and then, before we went, mr connely was like,
you would be impressed by how well they jump. they've been practicing really hard. and he starts talking about all the "cool"stuff they could do. and when i went t my station t do the rope thing with libby, one of the little kids' chers was like,
you move the rope too fast.
well, if they're so good as mr connely says they are, they should be able t skip fast! hah!
i suck with little kids okay. why do you think i hate sunday sch so much?
wow, i guess its not over after.i'm off t drink some coke!
au revoir!
- no leaf.
2:19 PM