there's just too many of us / Monday, May 15, 2006
OMG!! i watched grey's anatomy ystd and dr burke got shot!! and is izzy unintentionally killing denny! actually i want denny t die lah. he looks so freakin' old. 36?? yeah right. more like 56!
i'm sadistic. hope he dies. he should..
tonight is the 2 hr season finale! poor drburke.
okay, you might not know who denny is right now because sg is only at season 1 BUT WAIT UNTIL SEASON 2!..
had a sub in science today and we watched this movie on global warming. at least this time it's not as boring. anyways, i'm gonna talk about my views of this whole global warming issue.
everything is just a cycle right. and yeah, we're speeding up the process. but aren't we just in the first few ten thousand years of the 90 000 years period?
yeah, the sea level's gonna rise. but really, who cares? let's live undewater!
this is the reason why we should stop giving birth..
so that our descendents won't be
suffering in the future. (:
hahaha.. it's people like me who's killing the earth i guess.. -.-"
missed you! gah.
okay, i seriously have t do my hist essay. written about 2/5 of it, meaning 2 paragraphs out of the 5 paragraph essay. yeap.
this whole thing doesn't involve me. i just shouldn't care. i shouldn't get involved.
it's just revoir!
- styrofoam
2:45 PM