photowhoring.. / Wednesday, May 10, 2006
although i know how much rachel hates photo whores, recently i did some. the resolution is real bad too.. crappylil'digital -.-"
they're very uhmm.. stupidly taken... i know.

i'm thinking of
youu... yeah right. (:

i don't know why i took this..

i was looking at my laptop okay.
yepp... can't really see the ugly views of my fringe..
it's actually more of an update on what i look like, and i'm not tt emo looking, not really of photowhoring okay. (:
i just realized that my eyes are all closed in all of them.. blahh
today had nwea. i don't think i did very well for the eng writing. and i didn't finish my maths one. neither did jake..
french was boring as usual and we had a sub in hist.
mr kahill only gave us 10 freakin' days t do it. and on friday, the outline of the essay is due! and what's more is that we still need t have ideas for presentation. wtf! why?? 10 ten freakin' days isn't enough!! and i'm freaking out right now! )):
and yet i shall continue t slackk..
it's now time for the daily stories of mrs chase!
today's story:
mrs chase's dog, nina, ran away! so, mrs chase "dropped us off" at the com lab for the nwea and then went home t search for nina. abt an hour later she came back and told us that she found her dog three blocks down from her house.
and that's all folks!
au revoir!
- i like planes (:
3:36 PM