we've been away too far for too long / Wednesday, October 25, 2006
guess what. right now it's study hall and angela had t go the library and asked if i wanted t go and i was like yeah.. then i thought.. why am i going?... TO BLOG. :D
once i get home i swear, i'll be way too tired t blog. so blog now. (:
continued watching this video of the social classes. and then they went about the cliques in high school and there were this very annoying girl who is rich right but when think of it if she was rich and upperclass why would she say, twenty years from during a reunion, i want t show up in a limo and in $1000 shoes and blahblahblah... ?
because if she was wealthy, she could afford a limo anytime.. and i actually read in that book, class: the social classes in america, that the the middle class call it limosines, the lower class call it limo and the upperclass.. what do they call it?.. plain car. because they always have someone to chauffer them right?
oh and the funny thing is that chers of that high school full of rich kids were talking about how the student parking looks so much better and is better in condition compared to the faculty parking which was quite crummy. and how the students are driving cars that cost more than their yearly salary and stuff.
and before the whole high school thing, there was this part about this girl who grew up in the rural country, in kentucky, and wanted and managed to go to the big city, washington dc and when she went t visit her family back in kentucky, a lot of them were like, oh you shouldn't forget your roots and that your mind will be corrupt when you leave for the city.
i really do not like the rural country. because south portland and the city of portland is still so small compared to singapore. singapore is actually very urban compared to portland. in a way, it's like nyc. i mean, yeah there multi storey office buildings in portland/south portland but they are only like 30 storeys high and yeah there are several hotels. but it isn't much compared to raffles place and the 100 storey skyscrapers and the many shopping centers of orchard road.
i don't want to sound like some superficial bimbo head with the talk of malls but i really do prefer the urban city life. that is why i don't want t go t a university or college in maine. i don't really like maine all that much. it's a nice place and all for like vacations but i want t go out of state.
and i don't like how the girl's friends in kentucky were all like oh your mind has gone corrupt with the thoughts of wanting to achieve more than buying a fishing boat and paying off the house and questioning why do you want more. because we should achieve as much as possible out of life and live it to the fullest..
oh and in senate we're gonna arrange a meeting with ms crocker to lift the ban of ipods in study halls (:
well, gotta go. cheerio!
12:45 PM