you see all i want you t do is be my love / Tuesday, November 07, 2006
meg: *gasp* i stepped on an emo!
me: *gasp* i got stepped on by a bagel!
meg: ooh, i never knew bagels had feet!
today was a pretty good day. changed seats in two classes and somewhat like them. in math now i'm sitting with tanner and tony. i just realized that both their names start with the letter t! hahaha
and in hist, i'm no longer sitting in the front.. but all the on the BACK.. it's okay lah.. but once in awhile cannot see over tim's back..
had a quiz too. i dont think i did too well. blah.
happy belated guy fawkes day!if you don't know who guy fawkes is, he was talked about in hist for the past few days. apparentely he attempted t bomb the british parliament from underground and now they celebrate the british catching him on time! hahaha
whheee! next monday angela and i are going t visit mr wolotsky! :D
anyone who wants to come just tell us!
ughh.. my shift key is NOT WORK
ingING..YOU SEE! ):<
11:51 PM