carousel / Monday, February 05, 2007
so i woke up this morning at 3.40 and was panicking because i was supposed t wake up at 2 so that i could do my lab report. because over the weekend i was rather depressed and unmotivated because all the work i did on my lab report in class was wasted! i emailed it t myself because freewebs was being an ass and so was geocities so i couldn't upload it. stupid. i'm never emailing myself stuff never EVER AGAIN.
so fortunetely i managed t finish under 2 hours! (:
and then i didnt have time t do english .. which i did at lunch. meaning i didn't lunch. yepp.
mr legard was subbing in band today! :D he's one of those good subs. he's really funny and cute!
it's supposed t be like you hit someone really hard.. and then RUN AWAY! *runs away*
and then you come back and hit that person again! *runs back*
hahahaha.. he was trying t express the cresendos and stuff however you spell it.
in english we watched the crappy version of merchant of venice because
some people forgot t bring their permission slips t watch the rated R mrchantofvenice that was more entertaining.
anyways.. there was this scene where you know the guy shylock?.. and he said the word ducats a lot like
daaaahhcaaahhts. and then mr j and sam was just like daaaaaahhcaaaahhts. and that was the best part of that very low budget seemingly produced film.
then in health, right now we're watching a ridiculous horrible movie that i see no point in watching. seriously. why are we watching that damn movie. it's some british film made in the 60's and i don't like their british accents. you know
my fair lady? they're speaking like audrey hepburn before she changed into a lady and its really annoying because i hear a lot of mumbling and have no clue what they are saying. anyway, i dont really pay attention in that class.. i was reading les mis.
after school i went over t leah's place to do our english project. and guess what.. SHE PLAYS NEOPETS! :D hahaha. i stopped playing a couple weeks ago because of school.. and then sudoku came distracting me.. so we went online and played a little neopets. and then we looked for images of that oh so grand globe theatre. and we found this place! and we printed out this sheet for the globe theatre where you can make a model of it from the paper shapes you print out! the bad thing though is that the models can be so large.. they're really small... like the size of your palm. who ever thought that they should let all the cut out shapes fit on one piece of paper is SO WRONG AND A BIG FAT IDIOT.
then i came home and watched voyager and slept. and woke up and shower and now.
and now i must do my homework. cheerio!
11:14 PM