woot! / Friday, June 22, 2007
got back my final grades in the mail yesterday! and i was content. yeah, just content. well, satisfied. but i wish i did better. got honor roll! thats the good relief. and well, my mom isnt as pleases but oh well. high honors is very tough ok. i struggled t maintain this honor status..
french let me down.. or i let french down. which ever.. i got a B. i want A's okay! sigh..
you know what i don't get? why do these teachers, gym and health ones, have t give 99 for a grade.
what the hell is wrong with giving 100's??! they because no is perfect. well, if no one was perfect, there wouldnt be 100's t give out anyway. anyway, i think i should be getting lower than 99 if it was a true serious class.. because i don't bother t pay attention and i don't give much care in the work i submit for health. who cares really?
i think that health/gym chers are always biase. like, for students that they find good, they trust and give them respect. for students that they see as failers, they're like,
well, i don't really trust you.. wth is up with that? because they feel that students don't give them good respect and that we're out t get them, they in turn are out t get us students.
and i am reminded of what happened during health final. so i guess like one skater boy dude who thinks i liked him, therefore likes me now, other also have a teacher t guide them around with their classes.. because the school thinks they're not smart enough t be able t cope though school alone. i guess its some mentorship programme. anyway, there's this other kid, who has one and took the health final with our class.
our final was about a brochure on the comp and making some health plan assessment and other ridiculous stuff. and this kid with the teacher was being strictly guided through the steps of what t do. i mean, like he didnt even have a say or something. well, maybe he refused t do the final.. but the guy kept telling him what t type. how is someone supposed t think for themselves like that? and be successful for life..
i think that skaterboy dude has a better mentor.
because it vacation, i'm totally bored.. even though theres quite a lot of summer work t do. so i'm watching dramas. watched this korean movie, 200 pound beauty. it was pretty good. had many laughs.. even my brother enjoyed it! hahaha
and right now i'm watching goong. only at the beginning.. some parts are total bore.. i'll just see where this goes..
i caught up with sarah ng too! remember sarah? from rgps of couse. the girl on bus!.. who also lived in dover! and played five stones with us and sang songs with us. oh that sweet darling girl. haha
i'm playing happyland as well. and you all should too! because you know its amazing! oh yes. i remember when icytowers and happyland and the whole freelunchdesign website were a total craze in rgps and slacking off in the library.. oh! and that qoo drink too! i think that the cocacola company in asia is so much cooler than the one here! there, there's f&n and QOO!!

and here there's just plain coke and diet coke and vanilla and whateverr..
i'm off t watch goong. cheerio!
5:28 AM