i care too much / Monday, May 28, 2007

team dinner!.. the boys were busy playing freezbie.. was a pretty segregated party. haha.

TEAM PICTURE!.. i think i look retarded even though you cant see me all that clearly.

oh wow.

SOPHMORES! oh yeah!

hahaha.. look at all that hair in my face!.. i really am not photogenic at all.. ):
im quite sad that tennis is pretty much over for the school year. tuesday is most likely the last match. we made it 9th in the uhmm.. region? yeah! playing against portland on tuesday. I MUST PLAY AMAZINGLY WELL!! :D
in english we're reading into the wild. which is about this 24? yr old who throws away his life, his family that he hardly felt close to i guess, his college fund, his beloved car and money.. and sets off being a hitchhiker and eventually goes to the alaskan bush, where four months after entering he dies of.. i think starvation.
which makes me think, in life you really need someone to be there for and with you. you cant live life on your own. it just wont work. thats why when people go on interviews an important quality is teamwork and how well you get along and interact with people. it also makes me think a whole lot of other stuff.. like, why do i care so much about what people think about me.. and maybe money is not very important afterall.. and yet i still want lots of it. oh whatever. i still love money. but i try not to care but in the end i still care and it brings me down. way down...
i should just work with what i got..
i ready for this year to be over. i had fun this school year, definetely more fun than last year i guess, with jazzband and tennis and all. but i still feel this year was horrible.. in terms of my grades. i should screw sleeping man. like really. just forget it. i made a lot of friends this year, which is great. i also feel like i've lost some.. well, not really lost but just furthered from some..
i really cant wait for next year! i wonder if i should try out for the musical. i was thinking whether i should last year but i was too scared. and this time, im scared albie will start to hate me if i do badly because it seems like she dislikes people do the musical but their singing sucks. well, my singing doesnt SUCK.. just i sing too soft.. gah. but i know that joining the musical will help me be not so soft. joining marching band next year too! real excited about that!
oh yeah, did you know that french have so many short forms for im-ing and texting/smsing? like descendre is spelt D100. makes sense huh. haha
happy memorial day!.. just think, next year ill be marching in the parade too.
1:14 AM