who am i? / Sunday, February 07, 2010
there are so many things i want say
and show these things in so many ways
but still the question in my mind is how?
everytime i meet up with chem, i feel like i'm in a dead end. it just frustrates me how it just beats me down every time. plays silly mind games with me and melts my brain into goo. eww.
just a few photos corinna took while i was vacationing at UVa avec mon frere. (:
i miss vacationing. i looked so happy! well, i am happy now too. i just need to face this dreadful chem exam. oh and then there's this calc exam, and maybe i'm just being paranoid and you may call me overacheiving, but if i don't get at least 95% on this calc exam, i will DIE. because calc is the only thing i can rely on to pull my gpa up.
tonight/wee hours in the morning, i will be studying HARDcore (like parkour) for this chem exam. i NEED at least a 90. i really need to do well this semester. i will sacrifice it all to get my 4.0, even SLEEP.
btw, i just got back from billings. watched Precious, with masha, mukda, theresa, sorta natalie, sorta gabbi and sorta claire. well these sorta people sat in a completely different row than us. so... yeah. only sorta. it was a very intriguing movie. the imagery was great. like when the (each one teach one) teacher was asking precious to read and she just zoned out, it was like how i pretty much zone out when ruggles, or the people at the neuroscience forum, explain me... stuff. yepp. i hear the noise they make, but i can only make out little of what the say. the simple words, like the and and. but everything else... reaction mechanics? what's that??
i legit don't even really know what i'm doing when i take those chem exams. every time i go to ruggles to make sure my exam was correctly graded and explain what i did wrong, i pretty much tell him i didn't really know what i was doing, i just wrote some stuff??
mmhmm. yepp. ok. back to hitting the books. till another day! (if i survive this week)
1:10 AM