deja-vu / Saturday, April 08, 2006
i feel like blogging now. (:
so yesterday was pretty awesome i guess.
something funny happened in freshmen ws. okay, it shouldn't be funny and more of serious but still, it was funny okay.
i was using the laptop t type up my science report because on thurs when i went t do it, i realized that i forgot t bring home some papers needed. so, had t do in sch. when i finished using, jamie took it and also had t charge because the battery was getting flat. then when he plugged it in...
like damn scary lor. but also very funny lah.
science was boring as usual. very quiet because about half the class was missing. poor christie-lee has lost her voice. ):
then band. the sectionals have t perform and i think mine is performing sometime next week. diedie lah. we're so not ready.
the coolest performance was by the percusion band. first they played the minuit by bach. then they played song with
plastic bags! hahaha.. was pretty awesome.
albie and kelly drew stuff on my music sheets again. hahaha. will post them up next week when i bring home my music file and stuff.
had t go t the community centre again in gym. i saw this pay phone and reminded me of this memory in rgps and their payphones. remember how we just have t dial 1-2-3-4 t dial a free call. i remember caitlin told me that and we told everyone. then we were thinking that perhaps all the payphones have some 4 digit code.
man, i miss caitlin now. haven't been in contact for like what? 2 and half yrs? yeah..
woooh.. i'm homesick again. (:
more food that i miss eatting:chee kueh
that malt candy thing
chicken rice
curry fish head
roti prata
that tea egg from rgps
alot of food from rgps -.-"
that fried chicken from the market downstairs
duck rice.. yea i know its sold here but even the worst duck rice stall in sg is better than the duck rice here.
even kfc is better in sg... -.-"
or maybe its just maine. maybe.. because boston has pretty good food.
oh yeah? two can play this gameau revoir!
- history repeats itself
6:22 PM