since we met, you're spinning, on side 2 / Wednesday, May 31, 2006

dammit. i just realized i didn't make the 11.59 pm deadline for getting this post into 30th may. so this is not for 31st..
made my speech today and well, uhmm.. it wasn't very good.
i wrote my speech during homebase right before we had t go t the gym t make the speech. yes the gym. i hate the gym. i was so scared. the gym amke you feel like it's more open which means.. MORE SCARY.
anyways, the last minute speech i wrote goes something like this:
good morning fellow students. i'm elisabeth soong and i'm running for vice-president. you should vote for me because i can make the school a better place. thank you!then we went t the gym aka in sg as the hall, and sat in laura's
clan. hahaha.. then realized i had t move t the first row because i was one of the candidates running and then tyler also realized and came down and then i mumbled away nervously t jake..
then we had make our speeches. annie went up first because her last name is king and mine is soong right and it was alphabetical order. heard annie's speech and i thought
shit. howthehell am i supposed t beat her now. her speech is so much planned out than mine and she's done all these things and she was last year's vp and what have i done?.. nothing. -.-
so when i went up, i said:
good morning. i'm elisabeth soong and i'm running for vice-president. you should vote for me because *looking at my "speech" paper that all crumpled into a ball because of tense muscles* uhmm.. i don't know. just vote for me. (:my first one wouldn't be as planned out annie's anyways. so i was like, ah, screw my speech that wasn't even a speech... -.-
i sorta think i'm gonna win but yet no.. but what i do know is that all the really preppy peeps are gonna vote for annie and some band peeps are gonna vote for me.. (:
i don't really care now i guess.. can't wait for next year!.. that's all i can say.
played tennis again in gym! :D
oh yeah. so i turned my science essay abit emo-ish. hey, she asked for our views on it right?
i put that global warming shouldn't be such a big deal because in the end, WE ARE ALL GOING T DIE! (:
don't mean t sound so unenviromental, but true right?
okay. have t study for tomorrow's hist test now.
au revoir!
- I NEED GUM!! :/
12:00 AM