we're spinning out of control / Wednesday, May 17, 2006
i'm veryveryVERY UNFIT! ):
because we had t run the mile in gym today and i stopped at like the second lap..
okay. the mile run was like 1.6 because we went around the track four times so yeah. and i'm veryveryvery unfit!!
it's like everyone took 8-9 min and i took 10 and half min. gahh.
and then i also felt like i was going t vomit when i was done and that egomaniac had t make it hard for me and kept asking my timing. i was breathing quite vigurously AND YOU STILL WANT ME T SAY IT OVER AND OVER AGAIN??!
then i started t get really bad&splintering headaches.. -.-"
i seriously think i'm unfit. but whatever lah. at least there's no more gym after this year. (:
so after we ran, we went in t rest for awhile i guess. and then off t play some foozeball or however you spell it.
hanna also had a bad headache so we went up t mr connolly and asked if we could go t the nurse and he seriously thought we were joking. i tell ah, gym chers are the stupidest people ever!
he finally realized we weren't joking and we went t nurse t take ib profen and hanna was like
IB PROFEN! hahahaha..
it made me really drowsy though.
albie&laura and some other peeps weren't here today because they went off t some place t perform their skit of drug abuse and such. and katie's been gone for three friggin days already! ):
anyways, with albie, laura and kaylee gone, band was pretty boring. but at least there was still kelly. (:
so, yeah. i'm running for
vice president for next yr's sophmore class. (:
according t jamie&clancy though, writting an actual speech is needed. really? gahh..
so now i have t think of something t say.
clancy's really shallow. he broke up wth meg because she's taller. okay. and also because she's fat and has no ass??! whattheheck?
first of all, she's not even on the borderline of fatness. she's fit and perfect! (:
and how can you be fat and have no ass??
that just doesn't make sense.
kay, have t do my hist proj on the oh so great and
circus maximus now. :/
au revoir!
- you're a phenomenon
7:09 PM