bad bad day / Tuesday, May 23, 2006
okay. my nice good happy estatic mood has been ruined by today! ):<
i didn't see who because i was in another seat far away from my designated seat, talking t meg and signing her yearbook. but i think i know who.. i bet it's
THAT ASS! rahh!
and if it is that ass who stole it, i really am not interested in him anymore.. was i even? no. okay, maybe for like an hour today.. and then i took a shower just now and realized that he's a very cocky and whatever person. anyways, i think he's interested in me because i saw him and alex talking about something before i entered the classroom and then they were very suspicious. and then also when i got back from taking my nwea, alex, ryan and him were talking about homophobes or something and how he was one and i guess they were going t the topic about me but the didn't really know that i had come back from the com lab.. and then ryan was like, *ahem* *ahem* like he was signaling him that i was behind him. but whatever lah. he's very cocky.. okay, all this is actual nothing. just my thoughts running once again..
2) we got our scheds for next year in homebase today AND, I HATE MINE!there's no sophmore workshop! and no vidproduction! finee.. my schedule's too full. dammit. stupid honors bio must be done everyday. nooo!!.. i'm so gonna die next year.. i need my workshop okay!! -pouts!
3) we have an essay t type up in science!about our position on global warming and blahh. i've actually kinda said mine on this blog.. about a week ago.
4) even worse.. THERE'S AN ESSAY T TYPE IN GYM??!wtf! gym is seriously veryveryvery stupid! why? because the chers are stupid. yepp. the stupidest people ever.. that's why they're only gym chers.
okay. now back t my schedule for next year. why is everyone in that other band class?? it's like i'm the only one not having band as block8. i'm gonna see mrs sturm, my guidiance counselor, but not tomorrow.. i think i'll wait t see who's in all my classes first and then i go see her. yeah.
well, there's one good thing about today. finally finished my nwea. got 256 for math. pretty happy about it. (:
tomorrow better be a good day or i'll be really ughh and won't be able t do a speech..
oh yeah. another nice thing that happened today was lying in the grass during gym. i love the grass! and the view of the grassland down there is so nice! it's like i'm an ant!! :D
got lotsa homework.
so au revoir now!
- if i could find you now,
things would be better..
7:24 PM