can you feel me letting go / Sunday, June 11, 2006

i took this picture about 2 weeks ago. i found a plant in the outside yard and placed it in a can of raspberry iced tea that i had finished drinking and poured water. and left it under the sunlight t grow. unfortunetely, it has been raining for the past or so and my dear plant is turning brown! ):
i just got back from the graduation. started out cloudy and everyone thought that it was gonna rain. fortunetely, half way through, the rain clouds floated away! (:
there were beach balls everywhere and some of yhe seniors were blowing bubbles. oh and this one guy did a backflip! i should've brought a camera and taken a picture of it.
i messed up a couple of times playing.. -.-"
gotta study for stupid finals now.
au revoir!
- so, so slow..
4:46 PM