running wild among, all the stars above / Wednesday, May 31, 2006
apparentely, he went for surgery and his recovery wasn't as speedy as ahe thought it would be so, he's still in the hospital. hope he doesn't come back till finals (:
so had my hist test today. and finally, once again i can have a cheat sheet and still get honors credit. i wrote almost everything in the study guide because i was very kiasu that i would forget it all!
wanna see..

[rightclick, properties t enlarge]
okay, i posted it up because i like photoblogging.. like just putting pictures.. (:
anyways, even with such a informative cheat sheet, I STILL DIDN'T KNOW HOW T DO ONE QNS!!
gahh.. -.-
so, i didn't complete the test. because i'm gonna cheat, and check my hist file.
baxter also didn't finish okay.. so can one lah. (:
pretty much just slacked in math. abbie&johnna were talking about guitars and i was uhmm.. listening for most of the time.. and then we slacked and slacked and slacked some more..
also gave abbie&johnna my blog and as you all can see, abbie tagged!! (:
and she has a blog! yaye!
watched a more traditional ver. of romeo&juliet in english. once again, i hate romeo&juliet. it's because of,
those people..
i'm too busy this week t watch aqmfs!! BOO!
have a bloody gym essay due. HELLO! it's just fucking gym!!
and craig told me yst that alec during his gym class asked mr conolly why we are sitting indoors for writing commom assessments instead of running or something since one of the biggest concern for america is being overweight.. which i totally agree.
and then alec got into trouble.. wtf.
mr conolly is the stupidest cher you ever have met okay.
and because now i have t type essay for that dumb class,
au revoir.
10:00 PM