running thoughts on stupid stuff / Friday, July 21, 2006
i was thinking about what memories i had with that idiot back in sec one and there weren't many like good ones.. nothing much happened between us. but then i thought again and actually we did have some pretty good memories. for the past two years we've been talking quite a lot. like good friends.. yeah, there were some times we got mad.. well, mainly because i called him stupid.. but sometimes he's quite dumb.. anyways, there were some good memories.. just all in words i guess.
is this the end or the beginning.. a long beginning. but then again, perhaps we're just friends.. only friends and it's all one sided. and all this time i was just living in a fantasy. a fantasy i knew would never come true. but yet i choose t live in that fantasy. and i'll continue.. just a little while longer. afterall, i know, the furthest it possibly go would be good friends.. or best of friends.. anyways, something t do with friendship.. so its no harm just living in that fantasy a little while longer right.