l'anniversaire / Tuesday, October 31, 2006
mr jandreau: i hate halloween. it's the most ridiculous holiday.. the kids in my neighbourhood take the trick part
[of trick or treat] very seriously.. when i go t my friends' parties, i'll find that there's toilet paper all over my car.. it makes me feel trapped in my home..
tyler: you should set up a video camera and we'll catch whoever they are.. and i'll tell them that if they ever do that again.. I'LL EAT YOUR SOUL!..
rob: there's this man who wrote in the sports illustrated that he set out a bowl od candy at his front door so the kids can just grab the candy ..and then he sits on his roof and shoots the kids with paintballs.
ahahaha.. paintballs.
today is the 1st anniversary of when i found out about something good and found someone doing something very amusing on the bus.. *ahem* and it sure did make me happy. (:
hanged out with liz, katie and annoying nick.. didn't know he was coming.. over at liz's house who lives just a few blocks away from me. and some people are just obsessed with myspace. all three were acting like such myspace addicts.. well, liz, being the host, wasn't obsessed.
i don't want t go t liz's house anymore.. i swear that dog wants t fuck me.. and wants t fuck everyone.. liz, i think you have a perverted lecherous dog.. eww. ahahahaha
off t do hist now.. cheerio!
11:58 PM
i give the final blow / Monday, October 30, 2006
cos all of the stars
are fading away
just try not to worry
you'll see them some day
take what you need
and be on your way
and stop crying your heart out
YAYE! blogger is finally working!!.. been struggling the whole freakin' weekend trying t republish and i just kept pressing the republish button.. out of stubborness. hah.
yesterday morning i woke up and looked at the clock. 6.30. and i was like, it's so early.. go back t bed. turned and looked at the window. woah! it's so bright for 6.30.. ah whatever. sleep... a few seconds later it hit me.. it's daylight savings!.. started or ended?.. so confusing. anyway all i know is that clocks are set an hour back and so now i'm 13 hours apart from singapore and no longer 12.. until the last sunday of march.
watched the butterfly effect again yesterday. it's a really nice movie! the ending was very sad but yet touching. he loved his friends so much that he would sacrifice knowing them.. well except for the fat kid. but so he had t part with his childhood sweetheart. i like the ending. it was good. happy ending where everyone has a good life and i like how it showed that bgr isn't the biggest issue of life.. if you know what i mean.
go watch it! :D
my weekend pretty much sucked. because angela invited me t go t the pirates game on sat t celebrate her birthday but i couldn't because of my parents and then she inited me t bowling on sunday and wahlau, i also couldn't. man, i hope we can hang out next weekend or something. too much bloody school work for me t hangout.
although, i went t the mall yesterday. spent 2 hours t look for a pair of jeans. -.-
and i also saw ethan! :D
got a few tops as well. either than that, my weekend sucked.
and there was so much writing today! ):<
yeah white day..
had a bio test and it took so long! too much writing lah. ate up a few minutes in the second block. darn it. and it was kaylee's class in the second block and i think she pat my head. ahahaha..
and then second block was math and we had a quiz!.. gah.
and leah, being herself, wouldn't let me copy her answers t two qns of the homework. just two can or not! so i was upset with her for awhile and then i was just like nevermind. who really cares.
whheee! can't wait for thurs! THE O.C!.. and grey's anatomy! YAYE! I WANNA SEE SETH! :D
have t 60 pages of my book for eng tomorrow, now. cheerio!
- i'll see you some day.
11:31 PM
your memory will carry on / Friday, October 27, 2006
so in english today we continued talking about that documentary peoplelikeus and we talked a lot. then after natasha replied my comments and stuff i wanted t reply t her reply..
but mr j wanted t stop. ):<
yeah, i kinda understand why he did because we were running out of time and he wanted t explain the things to do with our choice books. anyway, i have t blog about what i wanted t reply that reply if not it'll kill me inside so bad.
so it started off with me quoting the documentary that the social classes was just a game that we're all playing whether we know or not and that wether you go up the scale depends on how you play it.
and there's this woman in the doc that is very poor and considered low class, lives in a trailer, has 3 kids, grew up with 20+ siblings as a child, works at burgerking, wears the burgerking uniform every single day, has a somewhat snobby son who thinks he's better than anyone else in his family and looks really eww and isn't helping, and walks a long long way t work everyday.
so i was trying t say how she was poor in a disastrious type of condition because she made a bad choice in life and so she was not doing well in this game of social classes. and that if she couldn't afford t even provide for herself, why did she have children? unless of course she was raped and could not go for abortion as abortion is illegal in most states and that only the wealthy knew doctors who would do it illegally for them and she never met anyone who's a doctor. but if she wasn't raped why did she have children when she couldn't pay for her own neccessities.
then natasha replied me with this. that she wanted children to make her life full.. something along the lines of that.
and my reply to you natasha, even though it's unlikely that you or anyone who knows you will be reading my blog, is this. i think that's just rubbish. okay, fine, i know it's disrespectful for me t say that escpecially if i said that in class. but that's my real feelings.. and natasha or anyone who knows you
[just in case they're reading lah.. paranoia.] do not be offended by way i'm typing this.
anyways, yeah, i think its rubbish. because then when that poor dear woman, who's name is tammy by the way, said that she wanted t provide the best for her children, she was just lying. because if she did want t provide the best for her children, why does she give birth t them into such an awful and suffering life? and she said she dreams of being becoming a teacher. i doubt the how much she wants this dream because if she did want t fulfill this dream so desperately much and really really wanted it, she would have asked for the help of welfare... unless the welfare turned her down.. which i've heard stories of such cases.
[terrible world right?]it was just selfish of her t want this "fullness" of life of children and then end up not being able t provide a very good life and future for darling children. and how full is her life really? there's this lack of money and for goodness sakes your son looks down upon you and is very embarressed by you.
natasha had also mentioned earlier that tammy had stated that she was happy with her life just that she wished that people respected her more. and i would have t agree. she must be happy with her life or she wouldn't be in that sort of life WITHOUT WELFARE. because really, if you were in her shoes and you really dream of being a teacher, wouldn't you go on welfare??
so back to the mainpoint. social classes is a game. life is a game. how well you do in life and where you want t be and how happy you want be with it all depends on how you play this game. and for me, why not have fun playing this game? and just see how far i'll go. (:
so i think i've said enough of all this things about social classes. i don't really care all that much about social classes. just live to the fullest i say!.. and yeah, it's just a freakin' game. haha
oh and of course now it's too late t change back time so i think tammy's stupid snobby sons should start working and start being the men of the
house. bahaha
moving on. yesterday in french it was a really sad day. we had t say goodbye to our cute little petit nicolas
[hahaha.. little little nicholas]i'm going t miss seeing the name alceste. for some reason i really like that name. (:
goodbye petit nicolas mignon. ):
and now we're reading monte cristo!.. hello there!
oh yeah! we finally finished our satire video and well.. uhmm.. i forgot t upload it onto youtube. but no problem!.. unless if course mr j doesn't give us a copy of our video then i'm sorry, i will not be able t put up here...
happy birthday angela! ((:i'm tired peeps. cheerio!
- it ends tonight.. soon.
5:19 PM
memorial visit! / Wednesday, October 25, 2006
okay, so i'm not too tired to blog right now. anyway, just now i was memorial [middle school] visiting mr wolotsky to wish him happy birthday. just in case you were wondering, mr wolotsky is this teacher who used to teach lang arts and social studies at mahoney. but unfortunetely i got r harmon t teach me both of those subjects and never really met mr wolotsky.. except i did meet him for a few minutes when shannon was talking to him during the 8th grade social which was quite some time ago..
i always thought that he was in his late twenties but no, he's in his late thirties. i always remembered his appearance of the late twenties but today yeah, i could see that he was in his thirties. baha.
according to angela, our bus driver of bus 12 talked with the driver of bus 8 t arrange it so that he would drop us of at memorial because bus 12 goes in the total opposite direction that goes to memorial. how nice of my bus driver right? (:
there was also ben and tyler and after we got dropped off at memorial we stood outside for awhile and waitted for the bell t ring and then we just went in because we were cold.. and then the bell rang and the students running out were WOOHOO!!.. and so ben tyler angela and i were shouting WOOHH! too! ahahahaha
and we went looking for the library because mr wolotsky has become a librarian in memorial and he was having this book club meeting. AND GUESS WHAT!... he has his own little room called VEGAS. it's so nice and it feels so much like the night in there. then we sat down and just talked and it was fun!
memorial is bigger than mahoney and maybe just a little smaller than the high school and mr wolotsky said the people are supposedly more studious than us mahoneyeans [yes i created that term]. but the size of memorial is still no where compared to the size of the schools in singapore like rgs, or scgs, or the chij schools.
the schools here are actually about the size of moelc.
so anyway, we talked quite a lot with mr wolotsky. i can see why a lot of people liked him. and i told him about how i planned t buy a vineyard because he was talking about ambitions i guess and how he'd never thought about being a librarian instead of teaching and that it's a good job because he didn't like to grade students not passing in their homework and so on. and he really liked the idea of it and was, i've never thought about having a vineyard. and he wants to be part of it when i get one.. so jie, must get him okay! :D
happy birthday mr don wolotsky! ((:okay, now i'm tired..
- horrible horrible white day tomorrow
4:29 PM
we've been away too far for too long /
guess what. right now it's study hall and angela had t go the library and asked if i wanted t go and i was like yeah.. then i thought.. why am i going?... TO BLOG. :D
once i get home i swear, i'll be way too tired t blog. so blog now. (:
continued watching this video of the social classes. and then they went about the cliques in high school and there were this very annoying girl who is rich right but when think of it if she was rich and upperclass why would she say, twenty years from during a reunion, i want t show up in a limo and in $1000 shoes and blahblahblah... ?
because if she was wealthy, she could afford a limo anytime.. and i actually read in that book, class: the social classes in america, that the the middle class call it limosines, the lower class call it limo and the upperclass.. what do they call it?.. plain car. because they always have someone to chauffer them right?
oh and the funny thing is that chers of that high school full of rich kids were talking about how the student parking looks so much better and is better in condition compared to the faculty parking which was quite crummy. and how the students are driving cars that cost more than their yearly salary and stuff.
and before the whole high school thing, there was this part about this girl who grew up in the rural country, in kentucky, and wanted and managed to go to the big city, washington dc and when she went t visit her family back in kentucky, a lot of them were like, oh you shouldn't forget your roots and that your mind will be corrupt when you leave for the city.
i really do not like the rural country. because south portland and the city of portland is still so small compared to singapore. singapore is actually very urban compared to portland. in a way, it's like nyc. i mean, yeah there multi storey office buildings in portland/south portland but they are only like 30 storeys high and yeah there are several hotels. but it isn't much compared to raffles place and the 100 storey skyscrapers and the many shopping centers of orchard road.
i don't want to sound like some superficial bimbo head with the talk of malls but i really do prefer the urban city life. that is why i don't want t go t a university or college in maine. i don't really like maine all that much. it's a nice place and all for like vacations but i want t go out of state.
and i don't like how the girl's friends in kentucky were all like oh your mind has gone corrupt with the thoughts of wanting to achieve more than buying a fishing boat and paying off the house and questioning why do you want more. because we should achieve as much as possible out of life and live it to the fullest..
oh and in senate we're gonna arrange a meeting with ms crocker to lift the ban of ipods in study halls (:
well, gotta go. cheerio!
12:45 PM
my hand hurts. oh the agony. /
now i know why i hate white days.. they are the days of writing!.. ughh. well, today in bio i didn't write much because more than half the class was spent watching videos! wooh! math was most definetely spent writting.. oh, and [not] listening to whatever mr devlin was saying. then there was french.. didn't write too much..
BUT THEN THERE WAS HISTORY.. and the horrific test that wasn't really very horrific.. but very terrible on my hands. i still feel the pain.. ):
the mcq's and fill in the blank and qns like that were all very easy.. except one or two which i anyhow answered because i was rushing for time. because after all those easy on the hands qns, there were the hard on the hands qns.. essays!
caused me t stay back 15 minutes and missed the bus where ally and angela were waitting for me because we planned t hangout today. sigh. i guess it was nice enough already that ms major let me finish the test.. hope i scored at least a 90 this time!
nothing much happened today.. oh yeah, project runway. i was supposed t blog about on thursday because wednesday was the season finale of its third season!.. and you know who won? *eager look*
yaye! he wasn't disqualified!.. i lovelovelove his clothes.. and that green striped zipper dress! loved uli's clothes too. laura and michael were actually quite a dissapointment.. oh and uli's runway song was so happy and cheerful and totally expresses her.. and you people in singapore reading this, as you can see i mentioned four names, yes, this year they have a final four instead of a final three.
and i can't wait for next week!.. THE O.C RETURNS!!.. but with no marissa.. -pouts
oh yeah, madame laplante put up the autoportriate posters! and i really like the one i did, of jaques aka owen. i think he liked it too. (:
and i got back my french quiz.. did somewhat good. got 4
gotta go t school early tomorrow for that meeting. oh and yaye t red day!
12:35 AM
the power of reverse psychology / Monday, October 23, 2006
today was a very tiring day. why you ask? because once again i did not get much sleep again. okay. maybe i'm at fault for procrastinating all my homework until sunday night. it's was just bio and had plans t do some of the history study guide.
who knew that that bio article would take so long t comprehend??! grr.. i really hate bio..
for the millionth time this year. hahaha
and after completing my homework, i was unable to fall asleep! wahlau can.
i wrote a lot today. or at least felt like it.
bio. had to answer those freakin qns on amino acids.
band. mr skeff wasn't here and so it was a study hall and so i did some of the history study guide.. or just a little.. and spent the rest of the time talking t chelsea.
eng. had t do this quote logging thing [like a reading log] for this documentary on social classes in america. more writting.
study hall. math and study guide
then i decided that i was just way t tired to write anymore. my handwritting was turning into scribbles. and i went t sleep. and then some person dropped their book and i woke up. answered one qns on the study guide. back t sleep until angela and this other girl woke me up because angela was going to pour apple juice on me. i knew smelled apple juice..
oh and in english mr j thought i was sleeping during the movie and was like, albie wake her up! and albie turned around and i was awake.. i just shut my eyes for a minute and he thinks i'm asleep.. haha reminds me of during the exams in ntss when i just want t rest my head and i was already done with the exam and the invidualator was like
so back to that documentary. there's this part where they talk about how your class standing can be defined by what type of bread you eat. white or wholemeal. and then there was this old lady.. the bread expert! ahahaha.. and she talked about how if you eat white bread apparentely you stand in the lowerclass and if you eat wholemeal you are upperclass.
between the two i would choose white though.. but actually, i eat croissants..
stayed back after school today for the revision session with ms major for tomorrow's test. was quite fun. i like ms major. (:
and we had lollipops, kitkats and all sorts of other treats!
i tried but i guess it has come time for it all to be over. soon. just a few more months. part of me still wants t believe but.. then again, there's still no harm living in this world of make believe. (:
i haven't talked about
that idiot for so long. talked t him yesterday. had a nice talk with rosanne too. and had a funny talk with jie. bahaha.
i acutally want t blog about project runway.. but i'm too tired. off t bed. cheerio!
nobody said it was easy
its such a shame for us to part
nobody said it was easy
no one ever said it would be this hard
i'm going back to the start..
4:04 PM
let our hearts beat as one / Saturday, October 21, 2006
guess what i had for dinner last night!
yeah yeah. i know it means nothing t you all back in sg.. but hey i haven't eaten it for 2 years already can.
oh and i just realized where i got the idea of putting sugar on it.. rgps!.. that indian stall with their chicken rice and that orange coated chicken that i forgot it's name.. i miss rgps. and come t think of it, the best year was primary 5.. AND THEN THERE WAS CONTACT TIME.
ahahaha i remember this time when jewel, vanessa, linda and someothers of us were trying t re-enact scenes in meteor garden! and we were like..
how t re enact the scene in the staircase ah? HAHAHAHA
contact time was so fun because we just sat in the classroom for like one hour with no teachers! :D
i miss rgps. remembering how in p6 we just couldn't wait t graduate out of the school because we were so mad with the school.. but now i still miss it. miss the days when i would hang out with jie.
okay, so yesterday was the last school day of spirit week and the day felt really short. i was really blur in the morning though.
okay. i was supposed t wake up at about 2/3 am because i still had some stuff t complete for that history brochure.. but then i woke up at 6! so first i showered.. very fast one. and then i went combing my hair.. also very fast one. and then went typing away and print, fit, cut and paste on the already printed brochure and my mom sent me t school because she thought it was raining VERY HEAVILY.. which wasn't true.. it was just drizzling..
then study hall.. still had some more history homework to finish and went t the library and that was when my blurness began. this librarian was calling my name and i didn't realize that she was!. i dropped this thing that i paper clipped t my planner..
then came back from the library, i almost took this file of ms richman's that i thought was mine.. -________-"
and then the bell rang 10 minutes earlier than usual for every block because at the end of the day there was the pep rally! :D
and so yesterday felt really short.
math was boring but in french we watched this wierd french series by bbc about this girl, clementine. it's this girl with very short hair and she has this mom who likes t do crosswords, this brother who love soccer and his mice and rats and this bimbotic sister who just likes boys and clothes and "making out" in school. and the makingout scene was so funny. all she does is put lay on the guy's shoulder and cover his face like they are actually making out.. except she looks like she's more of sleeping..
and history WAS SO MUCH FUN! :D
because we had this current event of cape elizabeth and this other school banning grinding, there's article, back to front dancing.. and jake was saying that back then in the 60's their dance of the era was so uhh.. shocking! and that we're growing less conservative and blah.. which is obviously so true. and then ms major talked about how back then it was a must to know the dance of that era.. and she mentioned the roger rabbit and the running man and then joe and francis were kinda moving their chairs like dancing and then we asked ms major t show us the dances! and she's amazing! :D
and then francis did the worm! hahaha
and we played jeopardy.. it was more like the actual gameshow than mr kahill's type of jeopardy. although mr kahill made us actually answer in the question form.. but jeopardy is fun. (:
then PEP RALLY.. we won 1st place for some of the competitions but i don't know what some were because it was really loud that i couldn't hear the speakers. anyways, the ones that i do know are.. the poster thing!.. i forgot what they are called but anyways, yeah, we deserve it because you compare our poster t the other classes and our was the best! :D
and then we also won the hall decorations!.. okay, fine. it was a tie with the juniors.. but hey we still got first! yaye! and meg was so happy and hugging us and all! tanner put a lot of effort into it. i hope next year i can stay longer for the hall decorating.
although our class won 1st place for several stuff, things still felt down and it might be because of calvin. apparentely there were a lot of people who used visiting his funeral just t skip school and some of his real close friends ended up not seeing his casket. i hate how some people are so fake *cough* because they didn't even talk t calvin.. perhaps for like 2 minutes and then never ever again. and how do you expect him to rest in peace when there were his friends who didn't manage t see him..
wow, i've mentioned this kid in about three of my posts this week.. and i guess that's the impact on me.
and i'm not going t homecoming. i'm too tired. once again.. school is insane.
11:30 AM
the most incredible thing / Thursday, October 19, 2006
i saw all the hall decorations this morning. and wow. our class' hall was pretty amazing. it's very sad that all the decorations have t be taken down at the beginning of school because then all the efforts go t waste and then what's the point of having such a competition??
okay, yeah, i know that the naughty classes such as the seniors would tear the other class' decorations but they should teachers monitering since that's what teachers have been doing in the empty halls..
anyways, i think ours rocked (:
and i don't think the freshmen would win because theirs was rather plain and boring. because where was the fairytale
[the theme] of it all? and there was no 3-D action going on unlike us upperclassmen :D
bio was quite boring today. all we do is answer qns t passages and stuff like that. and did you know there's an insect called the
screwfly? ahahaha.. janaye kept making me laugh.
band was boring today. i miss last year's band.. with albie and kelly. and wacky sketches. (:
i guess the first half of the day was boring..
then in english, mr jandreau taught sentence structures in the wierdest way ever.
first draw a dog facing this way [<--]. now SAW OFF THE TAIL!.. SAW IT OFF!!.. and put it on his nose..and then he went off talking about how once when he drew a tail someone told him that it looked like a penis. ahahaha and then the class went off talking about last year when they were reading romeo&juliet and there was this line that meant penis and how they had t say penis in class. ahahaha
and then mr j talked about independent sentences represented by the dog because it didn't need a tail t live and about dependent sentences represented by the tail because it would die without the dog and about simple, compound, complex and compoundcomplex.
oh somehow a story about a guy who fell off his roof while fixing it and the staplegun.. i think that's what it's called.. stapled the guy t the ground through his scrotum, got into the lesson. hahahaha
then during study hall, angela and i got so bored that i shared with her that game of 5 stones. and it has been such a long time since i've played it.. almost 3 years. and how did i manage t get my hands on some 5 stones? i made them out of crumpled paper and taped them up.. but they don't work as well as those bean sacks. not beanie enough.. hah
and at the end of study hall we played hangman! :D
and now i must do my history brochure or i'll die.. oh i have a french quiz tomorrow on futur and conditionel tenses and the pronouns thing. okay lah i guess.. cheerio!
4:45 PM
CRAZY day / Wednesday, October 18, 2006
PSATs today was
mad. for all sections, I JUST DID NOT HAVE ENOUGH TIME. aghhh. i have at least 28 blank qns in total on that test i had not filled. because for english, a lot of the qns were about vocabulary and words that i didn't have much of clear meanings to. and so i spent more than 2 min trying t figure out the right answer and as a result, for the first section, i had ten blank little bubbles.. and yeah, they are all mcqs.
but still, not enough time lah. the second section i realized that oh okay, must skimskimskim through the questions then, if not i will not finish at all. AND I STILL DIDN'T FINISH. and you know what? and then it hit me half way through the third section, the reason why the other people managed to finish is because a lot of them just guessed randomly. wahlau. if they score higher than me, i'm gonna be so pissed because i would regret even doing just a fast skim through the qns instead of randomly circling bubbles!.. and not because they did better than me. please don't misunderstand what i'm saying. just that i would regret my decision of fast skimming
instead of random filling in. and when i say fast, i mean fast.. fast enough for me t comprehend the questions at least which were like 20 secs for each qns. and it was including the math qns.
and then there were a few that i took more than two minutes. but the second half of the last section was so easy.. just the first half of it ate up so much time. if the real SATs are going t be this fast, dude, i don't know what t do.. but fortunetely, every wrong answer just means minus 1/4 point. but then i was thinking,
eh there's two meanings. one that if you get one qns wrong it's -1/4 points off the overall points. example, the maximum grade is let's say 80 and so one qns wrong, just 1/4 point off.
or it could mean two, -1/4 over the score that i got. so for example, got one qns wrong so 79/80 and then minus another 1/4 point..
i really hope it's not the latter if not i'm sure t fail the PSATs..
okay, after typing it all out, it might not be the latter.. but yet i still don't know.
and if it is the prior one, then it's only at the 10 points that i will get wrong.. might have a little more off.. hopefully no. don't you just love how i'm very insecure and low-thinking-about-myself i am right now? gah..
and well, i'm actually quite glad that next year we get t do another PSAT before taking the SATs a few months later, because it just makes me practise answer qns faster.. although i do deteste the test itself.. SATs are like PSLE all over AGAIN. because you're thinking..
what college t go to?? will i do well enough t get into my first choice college?? just like how we used t be like,
oh will i get into the best secondary school of my choice??so similar right?
after the psats, went for french and half an hour later this person passed this note t mdm laplante that i was encouraged t be excused for another follow up meeting for that uhmm.. remember that leadership programme about discrimination with the SLUR thing and all? yeah, today was the second followup meeting. i actually don't see why we have t have follow up meetings but.. whatever i guess.
and back t the calvin peters thing, it was actually touching today because all his friends were wearing two pigtails and a wait bandana on their wrist to represent him and stuff. i think that's pretty sweet of them. (:
so today afterschool from 2-8pm the freshman, sophmore, junior and senior classes are doing hall decorating. it's the hall decorating competition as part of spirit week. and i stayed back afterschool earlier to help out the sophmore class because as you know, i'm a sophmore! (: and then left at about 3.30 to come home t this lovely computer to blog and do
HISTORY. i really wanted t stay longer but i had already called my mom to pick me up and she was waitting. and i stayed 10 minutes later and so yeah, she had been waitting for 10 minutes and i decided,
sigh, gotta go. but i did some cool glitter painting! :D
oh and i got back that history quiz.. another HORRIBLE test. 79. dammit. i didn't write enough.
school is insane.
random picture!

very random. just felt like there should be a picture for looks after so many paragraphs of words. (:
5:22 PM
and wow again.. i'm listening t paris hilton's nothing in this world.. watch the video! it's so funny.. and yet still so much sexy slut action going on..
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MV7mC_EMx8cand then it's funny how there's like two different messages in the video.
1) look at how hot and sexy i am!
2) supportive messages such as: DARE.. to DREAM, sometimes the loser WINS!
.. ahahaha
Da-da, Da-da, Da,
Da-da, Da-da, Da-da, Da
So I was thinking to myself when you passed me by
"Here's what I like"
And you were with somebody else but you can't deny
That's me in your eye
Do you know
What it's like
When it's wrong
But it feels so right?
Nothing in this world can stop us tonight
I can do what she can do so much better
Nothing in this world can turn out the light
I'm gonna make you feel alright tonight.
Da-da, Da-da, Da-da, Da, Tonight
Da-da, Da-da, Da-da, Da, Tonight
Baby, you and I, we got what will never be
You know I'm right
So tell me what you're waiting for when you're here with me?
Most guys would die
You should know
What it's like
When it hurts
'Cause it feels so right
Nothing in this world can stop us tonight
I can do what she can do so much better
Nothing in this world can turn out the light
I'm gonna make you feel alright tonight.
Da-da, Da-da, Da-da, Da, Tonight
Da-da, Da-da, Da-da, Da, Tonight
I gotta tell you somethin'
It's somethin' that you just might like
No, it's not the same thing
Yeah, you'll learn I'm not too shy
You and I, we can do this thing tonight
Nothing in this world can stop us tonight
I can do what she can do so much better
Nothing in this world can turn out the light
I'm gonna make you feel alright tonight.
Da-da, Da-da, Da-da, Da, Tonight
Da-da, Da-da, Da-da, Da, Tonight_______________________________
i feel like such a paris fan. gahh.
3:30 AM
over my head / Tuesday, October 17, 2006
wow. sad news today. this guy, a sophmore like me who goes t our school, calvin peters, don't really know him, but he was found dead yesterday. the announcements said that he took his life but i thinkhe had overdose of something because that's what kelly told me.. and don't know what's the overdose. so during lunch, you could see all his friends just sitting there really upset and all. it's really sad when you come t think of it. especially for his parents.
yesterday i got back the results for my bio test from friday. hate it. bloody 72.. mutters. and oh apparentely french iii people are still revising passe compose. stupid right? so glad that i went up t french iv because even though my grade has dropped to a B, i'm finally touching new french material.. (:
so today is wacky hat/hair day but the school did no counting of school spirit today because of the calvin peters situation. i still think it's very sad. because even though i don't know who he is, he had a lot of close friends who obviously miss him dearly. i just find it sad.
did some more editting with the video. and albie's so cute! ahahahaha.. man i can't wait t put up the video for you all t watch! :D and then you can see the kiddy show and how childlike albie acted! ahahaha
tomorrow's decade's day. i don't know which decade t do.. i want t do something different like the 40's because i bet a lot of people will be doing the 70's.. or maybe i could do the present decade.. although that seems really lame.
okay, i think i'm struggling t stay awake while blogging.. but i'm trying t get my bed time on a normal time. and so i shall now do my homework. this post feels dead a lot because i'm falling asleep and a little bit to do with the death of this guy whom i've never met.. i wish i met him before.. even though it is hurting t lose a friend.
oh, and last but not least,
happy birthday kelly! (:you're finally 15!
well, cheerio people.
5:13 PM
-_- / Monday, October 16, 2006
I HATE BIO. aghh!
i promise i will try to blog tomorrow. okay. (:
11:34 PM
apology to jie / Friday, October 13, 2006
i'm sorry for that line you read. because the day that i asked for help, everything felt like it was caving in on me and i was actually looking for your support.. but i guess i should have made it more clear. i'm sorry for the things i said. please don't take it to heart. and if you don't believe i'm being honest and earnest.. then i guess there's nothing i can do. but i will continue t give you support even though you might not want it. but i still will. and yeah, i guess some things i should tell straight t you. please stop saying you are undeserving of other people. because any child of God is a deserving person. (:
i still love you.
and i know that it may take a long time for you to brush this situation aside or even never.. i don't know.. i truly am sorry for the that line i typed.
3:23 PM
lahdidah / Thursday, October 12, 2006
hoho. ms major postponed the history test! (: but i think she said that now it would become a history common assessment or something.. oh well. but i don't i'm ready for it anyways. and so yaye!.. spirit week there's no exams.. EXCEPT FOR PSATs. dammit.
well, i'm quite excited t get psats done and see the results and predict how much i'm gonna get on the SATs next year.. just hope that the mr devlin and all the other chers don't include the scores as a quiz/test grade.. unless of course i do extremely well.. which i doubt.
so enough of this school talk. GREY'S ANATOMY..
mcdreamy might be leaving meredith because he thinks she's better off with finn. but then she ended things with finn!.. i don't really know what's going.. because my dear mother kept switching channels ):
and then there was PROJECT RUNWAY..
i hope geoffery doesn't get kicked out because laura accused him of not sewing his 12 pieces on his own and then the commerical showed him very upset! i hate laura now. she is so....
okay. i'm t study for my bio test that is tomorrow..
sorry. i really am.
11:29 PM
you know why i hate learning about evolution? / Wednesday, October 11, 2006
because i don't believe in it. i think it's all trash. why should i learn something that i believe is trash?.. well, yeah, i understand that we evolve from babies into adult and then elderly. and somewhat that our genes can have random mutations.
BUT. i do not believe that we came from one common specie.
and i don't believe we evolved from monkeys.
i don't mind reading about aids and hiv being resistant and non resistant but when you tell me t read an article some scientist being so fascinated with darwin and his theory and that all species came from one common specie, i feel and believe it as junk. and why should i bother reading junk? please.
i'm so glad the test is coming so that this talk of evolution will be over. and if biology is really all about evolution and the whole year, ms richman is going t continue talking about it, i hate bio. all because of evolution.
man, i can't wait t learn chemistry.
1:48 AM
the insanity / Tuesday, October 10, 2006
apparentely, i got the date for spirit week wrong and well, instead of it being two weeks from now, it's next week! (:
monday - pajamas day!
tuesday - wacky hat or hair day!
wednesday - decade day!.. where you dress the fashion of a particular decade
thursday - college/sports teams clothes day!
friday - red&white day!.. totally reminds me of national day ahaha
fun. ((:
i was very tired today, especially during the last block during history.. i was very much half asleep. all because i stayed up the whole night looking up stuff for that apush exam. ):
owen presented my autoportriate today. it was very nice.
i can't wait for tomorrow! gonna edit our satire video! and hopefully we habe enough time to upload it onto youtube so that i can post it here when i go home.
and then angela is gonna have a singing concert on studyhall and we're also gonna see mrs sturm about DRIVERS ED. :D
i can't wait to drive!!
if you want me to wait, i will wait for you
if you want me to stay, i will stay right through
if you don't wanna say anything at all
i'm happy wondering..
11:58 PM
A man with a 20-inch penis went to his doctor to complain that he was unable to get any women to have sex with him because they all told him that his penis was too long.
"Doctor," he asked, in total frustration, "Is there any way you can shorten it?"
The doctor replied, "Medically son, there is nothing I can do. But I do know a witch who may be able to help you." So the doctor gave him directions to the witch's place.
The man went to see the witch the next day, and told her his sad Joke.
"Witch, my penis is 20 inches long, and I can't get any women to have sex with me. Can you help me shorten it?"
The witch asked him to pull it out so she could have a look at it. The man uncoiled his 20-inch penis. The witch stared in amazement, scratched her head, and then replied, "I think I have a solution to your problem. What you have to do is go to this pond deep in the forest. In the pond you will see a frog sitting on a log who can help solve your dilemma. You must ask the frog, 'will you marry me?' Each time the frog declines your proposal, your penis will be 4 inches shorter."
The man's face lit up and he dashed off into the forest. He came upon the pond and, sure enough, there sat the frog on a log. He uncoiled his huge python-like penis and called out to the frog, "Will you marry me?"
The frog looked at him with some disdain, and replied, "NO."
The man looked down and suddenly his penis was 4 inches shorter!
"WOW!" he screamed out loud. Then he said to himself, "This is great! But it's still too long at 16 inches, so I'll ask the frog to marry me again."
Once more he shouted to the frog, "Frog, will you marry me?"
The frog rolled its eyes back in its head and screamed back, "NO!"
The man felt another twitch in his penis, looked down, and it was another 4 inches shorter! The man laughed, and shouted, "This is fantastic!"
He looked down at his penis once more, and by now it was only 12 inches long, so he reflected for a moment. "Twelve inches is still a monster, just a little less would be ideal," he thought. "So, I'll ask the frog to marry me ONE more time."
Grinning, he looked across the pond and yelled out, "Frog, will you marry me?"
The frog looked back across the pond shaking its head in frustration and said, "NO! NO! . . . and for the last time, NO!"
i got this story from a blog i landed on when i clicked that next blog button.
apparentely many more stories can be found here:
1:48 AM
i've decided / Sunday, October 08, 2006
that i'm going t kill myself
... with school work.
in other words. i'm going t drive myself to insanity with the workloads of school.
nice eh. (: [note: sarcastic smile]
oh and happy columbus day tomorrow.. or as some people call it,
indigenous people's day! (:
5:06 PM
horrible / Saturday, October 07, 2006
it's progress report time once again! this time, it's quite horrible. oh fine! it's tremendously terribly HORRIBLE. ):
and here is my oh so very horrible progress report:
english, mr jandreau - A
APUSH, ms major -
Cfrench iv, madame laplante - B
algebra ii, mr devlin - A
biology, ms richman -
Dband, mr skeffington - B
horrible. just
horrible okay. stupid c and d makes my whole progress report just horrible. and those b's. HORRIBLE. ):
btw, the red marks were never on the progress report. i just wanted show how horrible it feels. i'm not gonna be in honors roll now man. ):
and yes, i'm that geeky type of kid who cries when her a's drop to b's. because as you can see, IT SO EASILY DROPS T C AND D! ):
and yeah, pretty soon i'm gonna get all fustrated about my placing in the sophmore class. checked my transcript so t see my placing and i'm 38th!.. i knew i was thirty something. i actually want t be one of the top ten.. heh.. but i'll be satisfied with being somewhere in the twenties.. so.. i will work harder!.. or not. blah. but the c and d most certainly is going t move me down. gahh..
i just want my somewhat straight a's again!
moving on, finished filming the satire skit yesterday. gonna upload the video onto imovie and edit it on wed! :D
and then i will upload it onto youtube and sh0w it here! :D :D
and you'll see how silly we look! :D :D :D
... -.-
and oh yeah, a few weeks ago, got my proof sample of the photos from picture day. tada!:

i hate my nose.
well, off t correct that history mcq from the summer!
9:36 AM
what is the importance of being earnest? / Thursday, October 05, 2006
you'll never guess what happened this morning. guess what happened!..
A CYCLIST GOT RUNOVER BY A GARBAGE TRUCK.. AND DIED. and it happened somewhat near my house!
i never saw the body though. a lot of my friends saw him. like a friend of a friend said she was last t talk t the guy and a lot of others were just passing by..
and apparently the family aren't allowed t sue because the cyclist was wearing dark clothes and well, the garbage truck belongs t the city right? and they would be suing the city.. and i guess they can't do that?.. i would still press charges. because how can it be that the garbage truck driver or the city can't take reponsibility for whatever happened?? the insanity.
and i would just like to say that i really love apush. love love love the class. but hate all the summerwork. grrr to summerwork! and ms major was nice today. she gave us less homework t do!.. well, we also have t correct those bloody mcq's from summer.. so it's still a lot of work. ):
and thanks goodness there's no school on monday. columbus day! aka indigenous people day! woot to indigenous people of the americas! :D
oh and today in lunch, it was quite wierd. so abbie picked a table for us t sit at and told angela,
i picked this wonderful table, if you don't sit soon, someone's gonna steal it. so okay, we sat there, andy
[not french andy] and i, while abbie and angela went off t buy their lunch.
5 minutes later.. this big group of uhh.. what should i call them.. or as they call themselves, t.i... the immigrants, came and just sat there. and it was a
big group. so andy and i were just looking at each other and we were like, uhh.. okaaayy...
then one of them asked me questions being that i look chinese and i am.
t.i: so where are you from?
me: uhh.. maine
t.i: are you chinese?
me: yeah.. *in the isn't it so totally obvious tone*
then a minute later abbie and angela came and we all moved to another table and abbie was like,
we got kicked out by the immigrants! ahahahinhin.
well, they scared me. because i heard that they get into fights a lot.. i don't know. but they intimidate me.. and what a wonderful table abbie picked.
ah, got lotsa bio to do. watch me how i'm going t complain about bio all year. -.-
well, tomorrow there's band too!.. which totally makes my day. (:
11:19 PM
satire skit! whee! / Wednesday, October 04, 2006
today was pretty fun!.. except for bio. okay. bio totally spoiled my day. good thing it was the first block of the day such that so many of the wonderful stuff that happened today can cheer me up!
so what's so horrible about bio today? we got our progess reports AND I'M SO CLOSE TO FAILING. ):
stupid bloody lab report.. and stupid little test that was actually humongous. how on earth did i get 62 on that lab report. aghh.. seriously, I HATE BIO.
band was good today. played so well. :D
and then english was the best part of the day. satire skit! uh huh! ((:
marissa, i'm carrying your baby..
-BUT I'M A WOMEN!.. and the doctor said i only have 5 days to live till the end of the month!
BUT IT'S FEBUARY!... dun dun dun!..
ahahahahaha.. or HINHINHIN as rachel calls it. well, i didn't act very well. i look so stupid and it's not the good kind. i suck at acting man. -.-
but it was fun.
AND OH! we had a fire drill today. like 2 minutes into the last block of the day, BRRRRRINGGGGG!!!.. went out and i saw the staring idiot. i have now changed his name from jealous idiot t staring idiot. he likes t just stare at me sometimes.. especially when i was in french iii. so i saw him staring at me sorta.
AND.. there are plans to rebuild the school! i actually think that they should rebuild it. its quite crummy t me.. although there are many people against it. anyways, on some date that has yet t be fixed, the architect is inviting any student to go t brunswick where his business aka his place is. hinhinhin.. jake said
his place in a funny manner when he was talking about it in the senate meeting.
so yeah, we're planning a whole day trip to go brunswick and look at what they're gonna do for reconstruction of our school. whhee! sounds like fun.. get t miss another whole day school.
i've got this song that i heard on the bus's radio stuck in my head.. it had no words but this really happy-go-lucky tune by a guitar. hinhinhin. (:
have t write a letter t petit nicholas about stupid that i did when i was 10 or 8. you know what is something stupid i did?
i was bored one day and decided to slide down the railings of my staircase. i was about 7 or 8 and so first i did it like they it on t.v., the normal way where your front is leaning on the railing. then the stupid thought came t my mind.. hmm..
maybe i should try sliding down on my back instead of my front!
such a wonderful idea huh? no it wasn't. i slid down on my back and BASH&BOOM!... i fell off the railing and landed on the floor. and i cut my knee. the best thing about it though.. I HAVE A T-BONE-SHAPED SCAR ON MY KNEE! :D
what a nice memorial of something stupid i did when i little. (:
well, cheerio people!
2:37 PM
bop bop bop bop bop / Monday, October 02, 2006
wow. i was so dead tired today. especially after half of third block. i only had two hours of sleep last night can. all because i couldn't to sleep. and then i had to wake up early..
because i had t finish typing that essay. ):
anyways, got a lot of sleep just now and i'm feeling much much better ((:
bio was quite morbid today. i officially hate bio. you know what we did?? we had t measure these dead grasshoppers had been preserved in this stinky smelly poo poo chemical. and eulghh.. my groups grasshoppers was black! >.<
hate bio.
band was good today though. played really good. :D
and in english we're gonna start our satire skit! i bet ours is the best! :D okay. mr jandreau wanted t assign us groups. so he was like all, shhhh shhh shhh.. because he was thinking and looked around the class and started writing names on the board. then we were all sad and started whining about the groups. and he like, fine. you can do your own groups. ahahaha the whole scene was very amusing lah.
so albie, laura, johnna, leah and i are all one group! we love our skit! gonna start filming on wed! can't wait!!
when it's all done, i'll upload it onto youtube and put it here for you all to watch! (:
okay, fine, our satire skit might not be the best.. but it sure feels like it will be!
study hall was okay today. it was the small one today. (: first angela and i did our homework. then we played cards. and got bored of playing and decided t make a card tower!.. but failed.
then we opened a window and stuck our bored little heads out. so nice and nostalgic lah. the wind blowing by and there was this very familiar smell...
then for the last 15 minutes, we talked t mr lundington. and he has a fart machine! ahahaha. he bought this fart noise maker thing and taped it t the bottom of some random chair so that in the middle of his classes, he could just play around and press this button on a remote. ahahaha
after school, went t see the key club. considering joining. not sure yet. was supposed t hang out with kelly today but her parents would not be able t send me home. so hopefully we can hang out tomorrow! last week we kept trying t hang out and kept cancelling.. -.-
i feel like i've been blogging in a very boring manner. ugh.
ah, i wanna sleep more before i really wake up, shower, do homework and of lalalala t school. cheerio!
it's smartha huewart!
10:24 PM