here we go / Sunday, November 26, 2006

yeah, i'm still thinking about my hist quiz from the other and really mad with myself for losing 15 points. because think of it, it's 15 points!! an really dissapointed as well.
then i thought, hey, it also means that the next quiz/test i may actual get above 90 and manage t get an A in hist! (:
i think i can.. now i feel like that stupid choo choo train. -.-
planning t take an about two week hiatus. so this shall be my last post until the day of the concert which is on the 7th. got it! i'm seeing if i stop blogging really improves my ability t do homework.
watched titanic earlier and it made want t cry. it's really long.. 4 hours.. all because of 5 minute commercials.
it's almost about time i let go. i don't even know what i'm holding on to anymore.and..
belated happy thanksgiving!.. happy turkey eatting!belated happy black friday!.. happy shopping and balancing the market price!
belated happy national sleep-in day!
1:56 AM