wow. zero divided by three is zero! / Monday, February 12, 2007

lunch sucked. every corner i went. i saw idiots. not as in idiots. but those idiots. too bad if you have no clue what i'm talking about.. or just message me. anyway, it was disturbing. so i had an awful half eaten lunch today. okay. oh and it turns out, skaterboys like me. how nice. i actually don't really care.
and i hate myself right now.. i told myself this morning that if i forgot t bring my history binder t school, i would kill myself. and what did i amazingly do? forgot t bring it. i wanted t get extra credit for passing up my file early for organizing it. and now there's no extra credit. oh and this quarter my goal is.. get high honor roll. at least try.
back to my lunch story. i was sitting down at a table, that is round, with jamie and ben and laura and albie were supposed t sit with us but they decided t sit with megan. and it just so happened that the table next t us, which was facing my front due t my seating place, had these two guys who have a crush on me. and i guess that they were talking about me because all of a sudden the whole table looked at me.. later, when jamie and ben, who weren't aware of that table, realized that albie and laura were never coming we left. and then i entered the upper cafeteria and guess who else's whole table was looking at me? hmm..
it was very disturbing.
and today nick, stephanie, brian and i worked together in a group project in french.
boy, he must have had fun.
3:07 PM