formulae: hop + e
elisabeth. aka lisais
aka "emo"
aka peanut!

mahhching/jazzband - tenor sax
student senate


christian (:
chocoholic! :D

The current mood of lisais at

hotmail - peachypeachypeach
aim - whheex

`___mellisais productons-

three words story

do my johari window

GIR! my crazy dancing dog!! <33


2. boots


25 christmas!

1 new year's!
19 start of spring semester

ello poppit!


note: will update links asap

abbie |albie |alicia |alyssa |amber |angela |annie |APUSH |bro |carvey |clarice |denise |devin |elizabeth |e1/1 class blog |joella |joey |joy |julia |katie |kaycee |linda |li-en |lydia |margaret |meg |melinda |mel jiejie |melody |mr jandreau |ms major |noomayra |olivia yiew |rachel ong |rachel yew |rebekah |rosanne |ryan clancy |sarah |shannon |sharon |shu sze |vidya |xiaoling |yan han | yanhui |yen |yiwen ng |yi wen ong |zhi yong


- new interface
- day three - lazy day
- sunday - christmas break day 2
- cookie fest!
- Last Day
- a sad heart
- talking to the moon
- the imaginary monologue that i'll probably never h...
- what makes a good leader?

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Designer: li0nheart
Code base: Ebullient*
Flash: ~thehermitdesign

since 120306

i said are you gonna be my girl / Tuesday, April 24, 2007

another beautiful day today! in the morning, during first block, bio, while ms richman was doing that type of powerpoint quizing, i heard the birds chirp! and they reminded me of sg so much! and how every morning when i woke up, and i went t the bathroom, i would hear the birds chirping!.. oh and the very faint music coming from the radio of the people doing tai chi in the park. ((:

i sorta liked today's practice. gotta hit balls. (:

well, the begin was rather sucky. ran around the school twice. grr.. and then practiced serving.. horrible. but then at the end when we were playing challenge matches with each other, i finally got my serving straight.. well, not entirely. but it was good enough t keep me happy and suprized with myself.

we have a match tomorrow! against scarborough! wooh!

today in eng, mr j showed us this site:

and click on watch videos! because everytime you watch a video, up to 49 cents is donated t a personal choosen charity by the lead singer of five for fighting.

mr j then created this project for us. and we have t select a cause, eg. civil rights, woman's rights, darfur, hurricane katrina, cancer.. and we had t do something that could convince as many people as possible of our cause. and one is create a video and upload it on that site. and the top video i guess wins two round tickets t some place.. i forgot.. but its on the site. and like the next few top win mp3's and other stuff. and there's like around only 80 videos right now and like the top 30 win stuff.. so make and watch videos people!! ((:

i'm gonna make a video.

i'm tired right now. plan t watch american idol.. but im too tired. btw, sanjaya got voted off last week. i bet its because i finally got t watch american idol.. i like phil's bald egg shaped head, with those big eyes.. but i hate the name phil.. :/

gonna sleep now. cheerio!

8:50 PM


just walk away /

yesterday was such a beautiful day! it was warm and the sun was out and the sky was so blue!.. like sky blue! and the birds were everywhere and so were planes! (:

it was so good that ms major had t take us outside during hist.. and go on an exhibition.. like lewis&clark!.. it wa amazing. :D

had a tennis match against kennebunk. because it was an away match, only varsity and jv were playing. but i came along because i already gave my brother the house keys. i hate how we have t dress up on match days. because i have t wear a dress every other day.. until i can find time t shop around for dress pants. well, i sorta have dress pants.. from jazz band days, but eww.. i don't like them.

kaylee and some freshies came along too! all of us supporting our team! yeah!!

albie's and kaycee's doubles match was SO CLOSE. they ended up 7-7 and the tie breaker 5-7! and then albie told me that one of the girls she was playing against looked like brittany from america's next top model!.. and i've only watched one episode this season.

kaycee brought these iced animal crackers and i took out two that were stuck together. and then patricia's like, they're mating! just eat them like that and then they'll make little babies and you'll never be hungry ever again!


came home at 7.30 and was super tired.

yaye! wed is a home game! can't wait t play! i need t practice my servings.

i think after what happened with my hist proj, me not really doing right and all, my ego and self esteem has been hurt.. i feel like that. rise silly little self esteem. rise! ..i'm trying!

gah. cheerio!

4:33 AM


here's an experiment / Monday, April 23, 2007

ally, aileen and i were talking and somehow that snl clip of shia la beuof or however you spell his name came up. anyway, remember this scene in the oc?:

and remember how serious the moment felt? now, occupy yourself for a few minutes or something and then watch this spoof by snl:

and now when you watch marissa shooting trey again, it looks really funny.

we also talked about how because this episode of snl aired after the recent the virginia tech shooting that people were upset with snl thinking that it was aired because of the shooting. which, maybe there could some related subliminal message.. but i don't think they would poke fun at the tragedy..

as for the song.. that part appealed me and so i went t download the song on limewire and i was very dissapointed because it goes on very boringly and the mmm whatcha say only comes at the end of the song.. well, that's indie i guess.

school is starting in 2 hours. damn. thank god for study hall man. (:


mmm what did she say?

5:07 AM


i see you lying next to me / Friday, April 20, 2007

finally had tennis practice yesterday. it was a pretty good day. sunny and much warmer.. but very windy too. kept blowing my balls everywhere. mr sap. was training all us newbies how t serve and telling us how it takes several years t perfect serving skills.. which definetely makes me feel better. still i think i suck. managed t serve a little bit better. after some practice with serving and stuff, we played fielder. i love that game! although trying t catch balls hurt my hand. didn't see him today. oh well.. maybe he's gone off on holiday somewhere. or just doesn't want t come..

i forgot t give coach scrifres my order form for the sweatshirt and pants.. -.- hope its not too late.

6:19 AM


too far away for far too long / Wednesday, April 18, 2007

hate is a strong word
but i really really really don't like you

monday sucked. i had a dentist appointment. but because some huge tree toppled over somewhere in portland because of the very strong winds, POWER WAS CUT OFF. and dorothy was supposed t give me a ride t the dentist and then she was too scared t leave her house i guess. that old lady.. power came back 5 hours later and went off an hour later and 5 minutes later.. CAME BACK AGAIN.. -.-

and my brother was eatting ice cream because he didn't want it t melt.

yesterday there was no tennis practice because i guess the courts were too wet. was pretty happy. don't feel like going t practice man.. it the freakin vacation.. but then i know we have a match on monday. hah. oh well. its not like i'm gonna play anyway.. i'm not in varsity or jv. its only my first year this year.

i was thinking one day, while i was pooping in the toilet.. yeah, i know it sounds gross with the thought of me pooping.. but i was trying t remember when the last i shitted and i couldn't recall which led me t thinking of how when i was 5 years younger i would always remember t shit once a day, and that was the healthy way!.. thats what my dad made me believe. and then one day i just stop doing my daily shit. and did it once every 2-3 days. i managed t poop 3 days in a row once daily the past three days though! oh yaye i'm healthy again.. thats how dead my vacation is. that i'm now talking of shitting. maybe i do need my tennis practices afterall.

watched american idol last night.. the night i finally get t watch because i didn't fall asleep has t be the night they choose country songs theme. agh. anyway, i think melinda's song choice was good. lakisha wasn't as great. and SANJAYA.. ahaha.. will was talking once in senate that the whole of america is supporting sanjaya now and in the finale, they'll drop him. i think he deserves t be booted man.. what's so cute about him? and he doesn't have much talent in singing. phil makes me laugh because of his big eyes and egg head shape. (:

i still hope we don't have tennis practice today. cheerio!

6:42 AM


whispers hello / Monday, April 16, 2007


to my wonderful dead blog. :D


i put up a new song! (:

night now.

when you are the one, the one that lies close to me
whispers, "hello, i've missed you quite terribly"
i fell in love, in love with you suddenly
now theres no place else i could be but right here in your arms

3:59 AM


yolaaa / Thursday, April 12, 2007

yesterday's college trip thing was umm.. bland? yeah. and i guess one of those idiots wasn't kidding about what he told me in that bookshop in 8th grade.. which makes me feel kinda bad. because i really thought he was joking around. oh well.. his poor little confession.

i finally passed in my video for french. i'm trying t upload it onto youtube right now! so relaxed now. because monday was rather sucky. went t school in a rush because i was trying t finish my hist proj. then i got t school and realized that i didn't really do my project properly. like everyone's was literally collagical but mine was posterical. and i felt pretty bad that entire day. at least there was crepe day which kinda cheered me up.. not too much, just a little. then afterschool there was a scrimmage against cape and I SUCKED. the worst everrr. for some reason i just could not serve anymore. and because of that cassie and i lost. haha.

then the next day at tennis practice we had a serving clinic for us people who just can't seem t be able t serve. (:

i still somewhat suck though.. but at least i'm trying t mprove.

there was also half a bio test on tuesday. which i was so not prepared for. and it felt really hard because it was really wierd starting a test with essays. but we had t start it with the essay half because today, IT'S HALF DAY! :D so not enough time t finish yeah. that's why its today that we take the mcq half. and i don't care how i feel anymore because..


so today's college trip. went t umo, which is really big and advanced and has many food choices; thomas, VERY small school.. only around 1000 students, which is less than the student population of the high school and the whole place is just too small. now i know that in order to make a school population big, people should obviously join, but i'm not sacrificing my future and my enjoyment of college just t make that school bigger. nuh uh.

then we went t colby and i like the campus grounds. its very big. but i still wanna go out of state and see other states and do my best t get into yale. yes, i really want t go t yale.. even though it might be quite expensive.. but i heard the campus is ahhhmazingly beautiful. i'm gonna make a visit and see how beautiful it is.

must do my hist now. half day today! woot! vacation next week! woot! tennis practice all vacation! BOO!


2:51 AM


we can go whenever you let go / Friday, April 06, 2007

today was the best day of english EVER. right now we're reading pudd'nhead wilson which is about this slave woman, who's only 1/16 black and is as white as her master. and she has a baby who's 1/31 white and is as white as her master's new baby. and both babies are the same age and look pretty much the same. so because she's afraid her baby would be sold and lost forever, she switches them. so mr j was trying t explain the switching by using rob and tyler as models.

so rob, being taller, and t for taller and t for tom, was tom, the baby of the slave owner. and tyler was chambers, the baby of the slave, roxy. and mr j had rob on his right and tyler on his left and was holding on to them by their heads. and would shake their heads whenever he mentioned one of them...

mr j - this is tom *shakes rob's head* and this is chambers *shakes tylers head* and they get switched *switches places of rob and tyler* and now tom is "chambers" and chambers is "tom". this switching of positions is also done a lot by another person.. you know who?

janaye and i - SHAKESPEARE.

mr j - yes. and in romeo and juliet... one of you is gonna be juliet.. sorry rob, you're gonna have t be the girl

rob - *some sad emotion*

tyler - i'll be the girl then

mr j - yeah, you're secure of your masculinity.

rob - what? NO.

mr j - so romeo and juliet switch positions where juliet has a more masculine role

rob - SEE. i'm secure of my masulinity! (:

mr j - *switches rob and tylers places a few times* what your name?

tyler - chambers

mr j - "tom".. what's your real name?

tyler - chambers..

mr j - "tom".. what's your real name?

tyler - chambers!

mr j - *repeats a few times and goes t rob* what's your name?

rob - tom!

mr - "chambers".. what's your real name?

rob - tom!!

i think rob is a funny person. he was playing around with the duster thing for the white board that had reminents of marker cleanings and got his hands all black.. like a little child. and he got up and mr j was looking at him like why is he getting up? and rob was like, you made my hands all black!

tennis practice has been sucking a lot. all we've done this week has been running and pyro___ excersizes and stretching. I JUST WANNA HIT SOME BALLS. ):

stupid crappy weather.

today after practice, kaylee, christi-lee and i were waitting for our parents t come and pick us up since practice ended half and hour earlier. and we talked about random stuff. and laughed as we watched the boys fool around with their lacrosse sticks and ball. then they were talking about their love life. and you know i, have no love life.. except i know off guys who like me. and they were telling me about the five guys, who are bestfriends, to not go out with because they call their ex-'s crazy after their breakups. and i guess one of them is that staring idiot.. and i feel like i'm scared he's gonna be a jerk.. even though right now he doesn't seem that way. so he's out.. for the second time. so in a way i have chosen. he's the only one that seems to be unflawed.. except with his failure with chemistry. but he's very smart in other stuff.. like trivia. and he's very sporty, with skiing, sailing and coincidentally plays tennis.

it was nice talking to christie-lee and kaylee. they actually make me feel comfortable with regards to my love life, more than any other people in the school. since i can't talk t jie, rosanne, rachel and other people back in sg all the time.

so laura is gonna help me with that darn french project of mine tomorrow. and mdm is surely gonna mark me late. but i only have time on the weekends t tape the puppet show. and she didn't want me t do a live puppet show. -.-

so in a way, it's all mdm's fault that i'm passing in late. at the same time, i have t work on my hist proj. passing two projects up on the same day. dear God.. please help me!! PLEASE!!!!

listening t the summer obsession.

baby, it's cool
you suck at school, anyway
so pack it up
let's runaway, runaway..

happy birthday mommie! :D


11:08 PM


'cause you know that i'm no good / Wednesday, April 04, 2007

DOOD. it's friggin april.. AND IT'S SNOWING. grr..

it's so wierd and crazy right! it made me drowsy today. especially after being in mr devlin's class, i felt like sleeping. and then in hist, the last block.. i couldn't concentrate and read the big packet ms major gave the class. in french today, we almost watched the diner of idiots. but then we watched a french kiss, an english movie translated t french, because the other french iv was watching it. when mdm laplante said we'd be watching a french movie, i was really hoping she had that amelie movie that i never got t finish watching in moelc. but she didn't have the movie. i searched the foreign section of blockbuster before but never found it.. ): we also practised oral pictures. and i had this picture of a guy who went around buying newspaper from different locations and then setting up his own stand. and i kept saying et il dit, je voudrais acheter un journal. and then one of the pictures had this lady wearing a shirt that said, SMASHING PUMPKINS. random.

jazzapalooza yesterday! was pretty fun. some parts boring. but i got t miss tennis practice! because i went t the improvision clinic instead. and at that beginner clinic, janaye was the only person t play a mellophone and the improv. guy was like, sorry i don't have a music sheet for your funky f instrument. and i learnt how t improv solos! and sam was making hand signs t us, behind the teacher and the teacher facing us was like ??!? hahahaha

we didn't play until 7+.. the combo was great. but the middle school bands were ______... and then was our jazzband and it was okay. except in the second song, I SQUEAKED! and it was the loudest squeak that i had ever made! when jazz ensemble came, THEY WERE AHHHHHMAZING. so amazing that everyone asked for an encore. you could really see why they won first place during states. and then the microphone was pointing towards the seat the trophy was placed on like as if the trophy was playing an instrument. janaye was telling me that when chad got onto stage, all the middle school girls were whispering t each other and checking him out.. and not like he's in a grocery store. hahaha

i love janaye. she's really fun t be with. although, she and kellyesty are the type of people who seek attention. either than that, janaye is really funny.

i'm so screwed once again. i have eng, health...eww, and bio t do now. and must work on my french and hist proj.s eventually. sigh. diediedie lah.

10:51 PM


so screwed / Sunday, April 01, 2007

had a very panicky afternoon. and i'm still quite panicked. stupid me lah. the whole i forgot t remind and confirm with albie and laura that we were going t meet this weekend t help me with my les mis proj. so i messaged albie on myspace friday night when i remember that i forgot. and no reply. and then today i messaged laura.. also no reply. it's like they're on holiday or something. well, i think maybe laura might be upset about a few things so i'm feeling bad about bugging her. and albie.. maybe she forgot as well and is too busy. gahh. i have all my research i need for my les miserables proj BUT I DON'T HAVE A WAY OF PRESENTING ANYMORE. ): so i'm very panicky. thought of another way instead of the original idea of having a video puppet show, but i'm not sure if i can get all the things i need t make it. oh poo.

also have my hist proj. which fortunely is due later.. but still, it's on the same week. ahh!

watching a new idol drama, it started with a kiss. i think its really retarded. and the girl's stupidity is veryveryVERY stupid. hahaha. but coincidentely there's tennis in it! and i started playing tennis this/last week! (: and it's de-panick-tizing me.. if that makes sense.

so screwed this week. but i'm starting t like my tennis practices more! love it when i can hit balls! :D

oh and saying that im gonna get an a WORKS! GOT AN A ON MY BIO TEST! WOOT! MUST ON MY HIST TEST OKAY! :D :D


9:13 PM
