un deux trois / Thursday, June 28, 2007
HELLO! once again, i'm in the not so real, real life! and its so effing hot and humid! thankfully, i'm in an a/c room! :D
oh and a moment ago i did this caricature thing tada!:

i have anggun in my head.. not sure what song.. just a french song of hers..
i think i must be off now and go do my stupid powerpoint that i'm bs-ing.
okay. i'm done with my stupid powerpoint that i bsed and now i have nothing to do.. break's in five minutes! and i'll see katie and ethan! they're the only cool sophmores i know la. its still effing hot as ever.. the past two days have 90+.. NINETY OKAY!.. convert t celsius yourself la.
seriously loh, what am i supposed t do?
i miss our talks. our nice long talks when we werent mad each other. it was nice that you stayed up with me all night, that night. i'm just redigging the hole i buried..
oh, cheerio!
10:06 AM