formulae: hop + e
elisabeth. aka lisais
aka "emo"
aka peanut!

mahhching/jazzband - tenor sax
student senate


christian (:
chocoholic! :D

The current mood of lisais at

hotmail - peachypeachypeach
aim - whheex

`___mellisais productons-

three words story

do my johari window

GIR! my crazy dancing dog!! <33


2. boots


25 christmas!

1 new year's!
19 start of spring semester

ello poppit!


note: will update links asap

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- new interface
- day three - lazy day
- sunday - christmas break day 2
- cookie fest!
- Last Day
- a sad heart
- talking to the moon
- the imaginary monologue that i'll probably never h...
- what makes a good leader?

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Code base: Ebullient*
Flash: ~thehermitdesign

since 120306

she said i know / Friday, September 21, 2007

so many things have happened this week. well, not too much, but several things aight. tuesday as you know was marching band field practice, where mr skeff made me feel like crap. because of the sock and hem thing. and then it just hit me.. i should've just taped the inside of my pants instead of heming with the hideous blue thread! and the black sock thing. yeah, i suppose its totally my fault for not knowing that it shoud be BLACK... because jazzband he also asked for BLACK. dangit.

i'm hemming them black now.. my mom bought some black thread finally.. it's actually rather therapeutic removing all this hideous thread. its as if i'm peeling away all the awfulness i've been feeling the past week. i wonder if i'm taking it too seriously. well, anyway, its almost gone. and yes, i'm blogging and doing this at the same time.

and now.. its all GONE! (:

so wednesday i decided to stay back and look for mr slack for help with my precal. and he was very helpful. now i know when the cp's are zero. and then thursday, yesterday i had the precal quiz, which i hope i do EXTREMELY well.. like 100! oh wow! yes! 100! i would like that very much. oh and on wednesday i didnt go for senate because I FORGOT T GET A RIDE. dangit again.

and today i had my first physics test! omg. its SO much easier than ms richman's good ole' bio tests! hahaha. like when i first got the test, i was like.. damn. i might take longer than the class time. and then i finished early! and i was like.. it feels too easy you know.

oh and i must not forgot this. lilly, amelia and i came up with a new winter sport that we hope ms crocker accepts (although i feel she will not take us seriously, and if she does, joy!).. FOLIAGE JUMPING!

okay. it all started after seeing mr slack on wed and i was waitting for the late bus and i saw lilly and amelia. and they were asking me if i would join a tea party book club.. and yeah, why not? and then on the bus we planned. we'll drink tea and eat scones as we talk about books and philosophy! and agreed to go over to lilly's the next day, thursday, to talk about how we would present it to ms crocker. come thursday, we go over to lilly's, spend most of the time talking about our lives and not our new club..

we eventually talked a little bit but got off topic again when lilly went t play some music on her computer and asked us to watch something from her canadian model friend! a video of foliage jumping!

and then i was like.. WE SHOULD ADD THIS TO OUR CLUB!!

and then lilly was like.. yeah! no wait! IT SHOULD BE A SPORT!



and then lilly's like, yeah, in the winter we will have foliage jumping as the school's new winter sport! and then in the spring we'll sit down, drink tea and eat scones. and talk about philosophy!

oh wow. i really want all this happen! ms crocker better take us seriously because we all are DAMN SERIOUS about this new sport. IT IS A SPORT. and then we'll condition people by putting them in wheel barrows and driving them into those fake christmas trees! they don't use the football field in the winter anyways.

and no matter what, lilly, amelia and i are making shirts for our foliage jumping sport! and i guess we'll make them for those who want t join us in the wonderful new sport! its an extreme sport alright!

you didn't see the competition last week? oh man, you missed it!


9:54 PM


sniffle snuffle / Monday, September 17, 2007

I AM SICK. poop.

had a mild fever on sunday and couldn't go to church.. oh drats. i just realized that i won't be able to go to youth group tomorrow. dammit. i wanna go! and i also wanna do marchingband! ahh! i'm so split!

ahh chooo

in the public library right now because i was so forgetful this morning.. dood! not only did i forget my keys, i forgot my calculator too! much needed appliance for physics.

so our first marching band show of the year, at biddeford, being the first, was okay i guess.. we sucked. mr skeff is most likely hating me right now because of the whole black socks thing.. even though i didn't know i should've known it right? because i jazz band... sigh.

upon reaching the front of the field, facing the audience, the first person i recognized was karalee! and then the anouncement dood announced the solos.. albie gingrich, jake bruneau and laura.... patriki! i wanted to laugh so bad. but i pressed my lips together and said..nope.. being judged already. man, it was hilarious, because laura's last name is patriquin! as in quin... not ki.

on the field, my first flaw.. i didn't snap my sax! and then everything felt so chaotic. people in other people's set, so people couldn't move into their right sets.

oh and my hem.. its all messed up.

after performing, we all went t line up for food. and then i talked to this dood.. 8/9th grader.. i dont know, but the line didn't seem so long after. and then we went to sit with the rest of our band, watching the other schools. and then this random dood from marshwood came up and sat next to me, all ENTHU and EXCITED and complimented to me about our band's show being amazing!! (: oh wow.

i'm sorry little man, but i don't know which was your performance.

oh and edward little high's colorguard came out like red christmas trees/elves, dancing with their random boxes. and one girl missed her box toss...

then this other school, the drum major tossed his sword and FAILED to catch it. then, i forgot who, but someone sitting behind me, jake? or ben? or someone... said something like if he just suddenly stood infront of his sword, since he missed catching, it would look like an intentional miss..

i think the show got me sick.. because i shivering on saturday..

ahh.. mommie, i'm so tired, hurry and come pick me up because i am exhausted. i need sleep BADLY.

oh and french was good today. johnna's now in my class and my comfort levels have risen. (:
and the hole.. we had a second moment. sorta. i dont why i'm afraid.

2:37 PM


bop ba di bop bop / Saturday, September 15, 2007

okay... guess what we're playing in band.


well, more like music for a darkened theatre, but it includes music from EDWARD SCISSORHANDS!! oh and nightmare before christmas! oh this is going to be so great!!

our marchingband show is in less than 24 hours.. less than 12 hours even! more than six though.. hahaha. but either way.. i'm excited! the first show of the year, my first show of my life! (:

i hope that everything goes extremely well. although everyone is expecting screwups here and there oh well..

i still have to hem my pants.. shh. oh dear. two hours. hmm.. i'm going for shower


8:12 AM


MANGE! / Tuesday, September 11, 2007

its a good thing i wore my french hat [i know its name, i just can't spell.. like the chief dood in shortgass song] today. because i mistook someone saying something about not being able to stand this other person and i thought i was the other person and so the person complimented my hat to make me not misled. or she could've been doing some reverse psychology thing and make me believe that she doesn't hate me. either way.. oh well. what can you do if someone hates you.

french was fun today!



we played some game called ELEVATOR. and we pretended that we were stuck in donald trump's elevator. and so the "lobby" had dunkin donuts.. REAL dunkin' donuts. mmm.

oh and student senate is tomorrow.. and marching band show THIS SAT. so excited!!!.. for the final product! haha

got a precalc quiz tomorrow aussi... alrighty. au revoir!

2:27 PM


fly! / Monday, September 10, 2007

i just came back from school where the last block was BAND. and if i didn't say it before, then i must say, IT IS SUCH A SMALL CLASS. 17 windinstrument students, including the bass player that obviously isn't a wind player. but anyways, you see. so freakishly small!! and even the sectionals now are so small.. ONE PERSON. hahaha

anyway, i like black hawk whatever. and celtic is okay. and wolves is just boring at the beginning. hopefully we get to play MUCH MORE interesting songs though. and i'm trying not to see school so borish to survive. and i think that not seeing the hole is good today. so nice. felt strange to have workshop today because i haven't had any for so long.

i'm off to play theme hospital. oh and my precal teacher mr slack.. everytime i see/say his name i think of theme hospital! doctor to slack tongue clinic please! it's announced in a british accent which somehow makes it more amusing!

alrighty. cheerio!

2:17 PM


memories / Saturday, September 08, 2007

yesterday i found out that my gong gong (grandfather) died. i don't feel sad. well, yeah, he's no more here on earth. but he's old. and he died old. it means he lived a good life. and now he's up in heaven. there isn't anything to feel sad about. well, except that i might miss the funeral. because of school and all. by going back, it might make me miss a whole week of school, which isn't very good at the beginning of the school year. anyway, its not that depressing. i do miss him. and his french styled breakfast of toasted baguette slices and jam and butter. and knowing every afternoon he goes to delifrance, most of the time the branch at tiong bahru plaza, to buy a baguette.

tiong bahru plaza.. makes me think of the time my family and i went and watched 2 movies in one night at golden village theatre, at tiongbahru. and then got home at around 2am? oh and the midnight drives all over the country. and going to the only drive thru mcdonald's in singapore. near thompson plaza. which is near rgps!

i could go on forever because i'm homesick as usual, but i won't. sigh.. it's an everlasting illness.

so school. the strangest thing. i lost that newpaper articles analysis. i refuse to believe that i really lost it. because it was in my file all along. and i'm guessing i must've passed it up accidentely on the day he told us to pass in the summaries. i didn't save it on my com because i didnt expect this t happen. seesh. i only expected to pass it in on the first day of school.. and then mr snow gave some silly extension! gahh. oh well. i don't want t write it again.. but i'll have to force myself to.

alrighty then. cheerio!

6:30 AM


on the verge / Thursday, September 06, 2007

i think i expected too much. i should really stop expecting a lot from things. it's like a when you hear that some movie is AMAZINGLY AWESOME! example, napoleon dynamite. and so you hold such high expectations of that movie. and then go and watch and find out that it was a complete let down and feel like you've wasted your time.

that's how i feel about school right now. i predict this year is going to be the most boring school year. i mean, sure, i'm occupied with all the working their giving me which is okay. but the classes themselves.. they're jusr missing something. i'm so glad that at least my mornings on red days have the enthusiastic ms major! the rest of my teachers are either just eh, okay. or zzzz... a total bore.

and even though it has been only the first two days of the year, i guess i'm just really dissapointed with the hole. and i'm out of it. the hole is overrated.

well. right now i'm planning on doing my apush essay. and then i guess there's english. and then french. oh and physics. tonight is a busy busy night. might have another marathon! oh woot! prepare the food!


2:35 PM


sleep deprived / Tuesday, September 04, 2007

oh wow. where should i start?

i am so excited for this year!

ok should i start with last night or today? ah! i don't know! well anyway, for the past three days, excluding today, I have been going by with 2 hours of sleep per day. why you ask? because i was such a determined procrastinator this summer. i kept everything for the last 3 days for summer. oh woot! i'm so crazy.

so everything's pretty much done now and all thats left is that apush essay. i'm going to get such a good sleep tonight. hopefully i can catch some sleep when i get home and not be late for marching band.

man, i hope mr skeff doesn't think i'm an over achiever or something or that i have a pushy family. I tried to add calc in my sched and to get that empty block i had to remove music theory as planned right? so i told mr skeff that i didnt think i would be staying in music theory, but still had to discuss with my guidance counselor. so i went to see mrs sturm and she said i couldnt take calc with finish pre cal. darn. i was really looking forward to going to usm and getting college credit you know? i mean, i don't feel like just taking courses at usm now. oh well, at least there's french right?

so today.. this morning. hectic. rushing like crazy to finish all my work. okay, i didn't finish everything. what i'm mad about now is that mr snow DIDNT COLLECT THE SUMMERWORK. i wasted 2 hours this morning doing all that english and he gave us an extension!! like okay.. you know, i would've at least finished doing all my current events for apush. mr snow.. WHY??? well, i guess now, as he told everyone, i can perfect my writings that are to be handed in. which i doubt i will be doing.

as for the apush journal. i still have nineteen chapters out of ninety one to journalize. and i'm not doing them. because they are long gone.

got to school and got my picture taken and i think it will turn out horrible. before, i had gone to the toilet and noticed huge sweat stains at my pits. eww. so i got self conscious and when i went up to get one of those awkward poses picture taken, i became stiff.. and well, being stiff doesnt really give you good pictures. i'm planning on doing the retake. plus, i forgot my earrings today. they're bare. bare naked! as ally said on the bus today!.. oh the vanity.

so fast forward to doing our mini schedules.. oh wow. whether my schedule was going to be changed or not, I LOVE IT! i get to see my new hole everyday and hole gets to see me! in fact, one of the days, he sees me twice! yes, i've fallen into a lovely hole. and its more lovely than that idiot. i had planned never to get a crush again. but hmm.. whatever.

so my goals for this school year and my new years resolution in advance:
learn how to be a deeper person and write like that brother of mine. (actually, the reason why my blog is not deep is because i don't put much thought into it and just blabber away about me me me me me me!!! so ego..)
balance out my life
make typing more speedy.. like spedah gonzalehhs!
build confidence..
that's why i blush easily. silly me.

i'm so excited! wootwoot!

this year is going to be so good. i can just feel it! but then again, because i'm expecting so much, it might not be as great i think it'll be. a lot of work this year. and ap exams. oh and sats.

hmm.. can you tell i'm stalling for time? i have nothing else to do. and the freshman bus comes in twenty minutes. oh whatever.

i should stop running away and hiding behind those lies.


12:51 PM
