doodles! what?! / Tuesday, February 26, 2008
what on earth is going on?? doodles are appearing everywhere!
can you tell by the roaring lion that i certainly did not feel like doing my apush chapter notes.

hint to all those expecting me to make big bucks in the future: you can now practice forging my signature(s)!

AH!.. WHAT ON EARTH IS THIS?? during english??! what is happening??!
jack's cutting down his beanstalk.. that's what!
5:11 PM
Falling slowly, eyes that know me And I can't go back Moods that take me and erase me And I'm painted black You have suffered enough And warred with yourself It's time that you wonWELL, today sure is a great day! well, besides the fact that district jazz festival is canceled when there is no snow!.. NO SNOW. and that my mom's paranoid that i'm going to fall sick again if i go out to youth group and be in the rain, like a light drizzle, for 5 seconds. PARANOID.
but yeah, either than that, today is GREAT! firstly, i'm nominated into national honor society and most likely will be inducted because i have all the credentials. so yaye! all that's off my mind now. all i need to do is do well on ap exams and sat's and act!! extremely well and i'm good for college.. like yale! and johns hopkins!! yeah! oh boy! cant wait!
and could i be happier? YES I CAN.
so nice and pretty day in french class.. with the exception that everytime we step in it the room has peculiar smoke smell *cough* *ahem*
and today in pretty french class, we got grouped! madame used to just separate us.. purposely, but i think now its either she thinks it was all actually nothing, or just wants to see something happen so, oh so badly. i thinking the latter. (:
oh and some how my awful, terrible suspicions of everything between each other not being true has been pretty much erased. yes. but i still can't fall for him. nope. its not confirmed. silly man. or silly me. or the silly two.
lately i've been doodling in
all my classes which is just plain wierd for me. i spelt wierd weirdly again.. dammit. whatever. anyway, i used to
not doodle. but now i am! what is going on!?
oh, i must be in a damn joyous mood right now.. a little ticked off about the whole cant go to youthgroup thing though. why??!! grr... agh.
would you like to see more colour in my texts?
4:55 PM
sweeehoof / Monday, February 25, 2008
okay. fine, i'll blog! happy now? (:
yesterday i experienced my first faint!.. or close to faint. in primary 5 i remember one girl fainted in the courtyard and i always wondered what it felt like to faint. if it was like a near to death experience. where you almost see the light, but just far away and its just not your time. so the light goes away and you get up. but no. it was nothing like that.
it was more like when your foot falls asleep and your foot gets this fuzzy feeling. except its in your eyes and head and then your whole body collapses. your vision gets blurry and then fuzzy and i see these dots of light, sorta like a fuzzy tv screen. and then black nothing and
wheee! i'm falling!.. onto my bathroom floor.
i'm too tired.. or just lazy, to tell you the rest, because i need to do english but i'm going to play sudoku!
oh and district jazzfest cancelled canceled canceled. snowed out!.. -.- why??
oh well.. we're going to states! yeah! long hours of waiting! playing who knows what!
well i guess at least i didnt miss precalc, because you know i could fall so far behind not taking notes today.
pop quiz next class! woot!
okay. english.. after sudoku.
2:20 PM
bill-ya / Friday, February 01, 2008
i am so over this. it's so stupid. if he likes me so much, DOOD TALK. well at least he's got more brains than a certain someone who was just too overwhelmed and walked away off to someone else.
for the uhh.. first time? maybe not really. well let's just say yeah.. the first dream where that skiing idiot was the
main character. so last night was the first. and well it was so good that it affected my day i just kept thinking about him and that's why i'm so ugh with him now. i have to admit, i am a hopeless romantic. unlike some of my friends who have blood in their dreams, i have love. its crazy. we kissed in my dream..
today was very wierd. like something was meant to happen today. it just kept building and building and in the end.. nothing. winter pep rally today.
i'm such a hypocrite. i'm in student senate, but i feel no school spirit for these
poop rallies. its just a bunch of loud rawr noise.
had a class photo in french class for the year book and madam was so nice letting me stand infront of him. i bet she knows. but sadly nothing's going to happen unless he does something about it.
2:39 PM