augh! / Tuesday, June 10, 2008
ugh! je ne sais pas. i dont care. je ne veux pas!.. mais je ne voudrais pas le perdre. so fustrating! fine. i tried. and i'm tired.. tired of chasing. i'm not meant to chase. cant do it. not like it was my idea in the first place.
aughh! i tried okay!
@!#%@^#i really need to stop acting stupid. and yes, i do have much more than vents of fustrations to blog about. i need to type again. i have an english final and i need to get back into my writing mode. and forget that skiing idiot who doesnt seem to like playing tennis with me because i pretty much suck at it. well you think of something then! i only know of tennis with you and nothing else.
its over. it feels over. i didnt want to lose knowing you, but its too fustrating trying to get together and just hang out..
11:52 PM