its nine in the afternoon / Monday, July 07, 2008
i've been meaning to write. just that well, i've had the time, just never got to it. so many things have happened, so many thoughts have passed by and i've been wanting to write. i've just been sleeping! yeah. because its summer!
alright. i've been wanting to blog about the apush trip to peak's since last month when my class went, but then i thought too much about the pictures that i found. so you know what? here are some.. especially the class ones:

this one (below) is of the winner's of our little peak's scavenger hunt!

i had stolen some others off of francis' facebook to show you some stuff we did there, but that's what took too long. selecting and uploading. so i just took these off of ms major's apush blog! :D haha
a summary of it all: it was a beautiful wet fun springy day!
now onto other things of the summer. well. i'm currently volunteering at mercy hospital.
thursdays doing community care. not really sure what they do there, but whatever.. as long as there's no paper work as in filing them and not seeing the light of day.
fridays i'll be in radiology doing i dont know.. helping out doctors. so yeah. wanna get an x ray?
and just when i thought i could get him out of my life forever, after being smacked down with no replies, his sister is volunteering too! and yeah, i'll be seeing her around in school next year anyways. i dont know what t say. should've always known that nothing was ever going to happen. but why must his sister be there to haunt me of his existence! ah well.
yesterday was another brilliant day! after church i went over to the andreason's with angela, liz and jon. and jon decided we should go swimming because it was such a hot day. but not before going t radioshack to get a go phone. and shaw's for lunch.
anyway, to the fun part! we went to saco river to go rope jumping! and there were already a group of strangers when we got there. so we went to look at the cliff jump area and there were two kids there doing drugs.. wow! they had a crack pipe and bong. ha.. so jon was like, alright we'll be going now.
the river was warm and shimmering under the sunlight. so us girls, liz, angela, rachel and i pretty much walked into the water and jon and dan swung on the rope into the water. then rachel decided to give the rope a shot. and did it! then we swam in the river for awhile and went to the cliff because people were coming to the rope. and dan and jon jumped off. then liz decided to take the risk after minutes of thoughts. which i applaud. because i was not able to do it. haha. i hope they didnt mind my whining though. because i kept standing there. like okay. i'll do it. but i dont know. it looks really scary. yeah.
jon and dan were like.. you just have to jump over the pine tree.. well. the pine tree looks pretty big up here! i didnt have to the courage to jump. oh but later i jumped the rope!.. and i whined quite a lot there too.. paiseh.
but i'm glad i did it. as to whether or not i would do it again.. i dont know. we'll see next sunday.
i'm too lazy to bring back my thoughts of the shower and my sleep. just be satisfied i blogged after a month. alrghty. cheerio!
2:34 PM