formulae: hop + e
elisabeth. aka lisais
aka "emo"
aka peanut!

mahhching/jazzband - tenor sax
student senate


christian (:
chocoholic! :D

The current mood of lisais at

hotmail - peachypeachypeach
aim - whheex

`___mellisais productons-

three words story

do my johari window

GIR! my crazy dancing dog!! <33


2. boots


25 christmas!

1 new year's!
19 start of spring semester

ello poppit!


note: will update links asap

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- new interface
- day three - lazy day
- sunday - christmas break day 2
- cookie fest!
- Last Day
- a sad heart
- talking to the moon
- the imaginary monologue that i'll probably never h...
- what makes a good leader?

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Designer: li0nheart
Code base: Ebullient*
Flash: ~thehermitdesign

since 120306

week one / Saturday, January 23, 2010

this week i've changed and grown, just by a little bit. i was going to take the healthcare ethics class, but i've decided that it's way too demanding for me. 6 essays that have to be perfect or else they'll have no grade? i don't think so.

my french professor is definitely better this semester. something about last semester made me hate french, mais je ne le deteste pas vraiment. peut etre je sois ecrire au francais. parce que je suis dans un atelier pour ecrire. maintenant nous apprennons comment ecrire un portrait. dans la classe de psych nous apprennons comment notre tete apprend tous les choses, comment il montre les choses il apprend. ouais, ici j'ecris ces choses pour practiquer mon francais, mais je pense que peut-etre je ne utilise pas practiquer dans le correct place. ouais?

ma grammaire n'est pas le plus bien aussi...

j'aime mon cours de neuroscience. maintenant nous apprennons l'histoire de neuroscience, mais il y a un peut de choses interessantes, comme les expériences que les scientifique faisaient.

ok. this post is long overdue. it's been sitting here for the past 3 days.
long right?

i don't know what my problem was. all in all, the past week was alright. i studied chem on saturday! oh!!! exciting news. i met someone from CC in person! finally! at last! whoo! what else?

well. right now i'm contemplating on doing UVM rescue. today i did some observation hours. and it's really time consuming once i get started. well, they said to bring homework because some days are dead. so.. i don't know. i really want to do this. the only thing that worries me is that it'll negatively impact my grades. and i really REALLY need to get straight A's.

listening to jay chou before my roomie comes back from her calc class in an hour. ;)
oh! hey another great news! i made my first partying friend in calc! if he still wants to be my friend because i DON'T party. but now i have some info about some party at some frat house that goes along the name of a___ ___ ___? on friday! yea. it actually didn't sound very greek when he said it. his name is mark.. or marc? i don't know. is he french? peut-etre. je ne sais pas.

and i plan to go to the hockey games vs UMAINE!! this friday. need to get masha up tomorrow before i leave so we can get teeeeeeeekits!

on another note, MURRAY won over NADAL! i don't know whether to be shocked or excited. because this morning i was watching their match for murray. and i was like.. but nadal's also very good, as in extremely good. both of them are great to watch, BUT why the knee injury??? cut the freaking game short. ughhh.

tomorrow morning aka 3.30 am.. DJOKOVIC! :D very excited. i love watching tall men play. they just move so excitingly! they run for every ball and play hard and make the game so intense. looking forward to murray's next match against cilic. he's cute. cilic. hahaha. (:

oh and guess what! my CC friend, chris, plays au tennis! :D gotta get something set up between demitri, chris, michelle and i, if it's possible. if they're up to it.

loving jay right now! ((:

7:41 PM


whew / Tuesday, January 19, 2010

i feel like i'm commiting suicide, but i added a fifth course to my schedule, because i just feel so... intrigued from uva's courses. it's health ethics course. and i just called uvm rescue! scheduled my observation hours. i also checked up on the website how many hours i have to work, because martine told me her friend does it and it's very time consuming. i'm still going to be very focused this semester. it's all things i want to do. no more watching tv, because that's seriously not what i want to do with my life.

i just hope i'm not commiting suicide. God please be with me.
i need to do extremely well. straight A's. i NEED it.

10:22 AM


somewhere a clock is ticking / Saturday, January 16, 2010

can you believe it? i leaving tomorrow! i can't believe break's over already! i'm looking forward to returning to campus, but, i'm going to mis cville!! i kinda miss burlington though. i told my brother how the mountains are more scenic outside my window compared to here. it's true! they're so much clearer to see from my hall than his hall can see his.

so. time to get serious. to help me with some hardcore studying, i need to have an actual study schedule and STICK TO IT. so it goes:

9.30 class
2 work
5+ dinner
7 small groups
8.20 study psych/neuro
9.40 shower
10.30 chem
12ish sleep

10 be awake by then and have breakfast
11 study chem (and if i do UVM rescue in the morning, then i'll be awake even earlier and no studying)
1 class
4 french
5ish dinner
7 shower
8 psych
10 french hw/coursecompass
11.30 sleep

9.30 class
4 psych/chem
5.30 dinner
7 pep band? (if they're accepting new members)
8.30 shower
9.30 psych/neuro
10.30 chem
12 ish sleep

9.30 wake up
10.30 study/UVM rescue
1 class
4 french
5ish dinner
6.45 intervarsity encounter
9 shower
10 psych/french hw/course compass (which ever is of more importance)
11.30 bed

9.30 class
2 work
5ish din din
7 shower
and relax for the day if i've been following my schedule

maybe i should UVM rescue here
but study also. i'll schedule later.

12 lunch
2 study chem
3 chill
5 dinner
7 shower
8 study psych/neuro/french

it's only subject to change with uvm rescue.

oh another thing! this morning i looked up some apartments and i'm favoring the keenscrossing complex. it looks pretty. and if it's masha natalie and i, then we each only pay a little under $400. oh and there's cute townhouse a little north of downtown.

SO... well, i was looking at my bill. and though i have nothing to pay, i'd like to minimize my loans. i noticed that my housing costs a little more than 5900 a year. and the keenscrossing rent will be almost half of my housing costs per month! so it seems like a good deal right?

i'm really excited to get an apartment now!! :D

i need to go to bed now though. i have to get up in the morning to do laundry and pack and then leave! (and possibly meeting up with corinna for one last time)

ahh! where'd all the time go???

9:54 PM


just keep swimming swimming swimming / Monday, January 11, 2010

ha ha ha haaaa i like to swwwwimm

right now i'm addicted to this game fish tycoon. well. actually no. not addicted. but it's a trial that came with my computer, like every computer has. and the fish grow and starve even when it's off. and i can only load this game twice.. i think. sooooo.... i'm just going to let this game run for as long as it can. it doesn't use much RAM anyway. so what the heck right?

right now i'm just impatiently waiting for my fish to grow and sell. and have no life of my own.


6:08 AM


resolutions / Friday, January 08, 2010

i realized a little after new years that i never made a resolution for this year. in fact i haven't been making one for the past two years. maybe that's where i've been failing...

ok, i just got freaked out by a random person knocking on my window! it was just someone who got locked out.. at yes, 7 in the morning. and i my heart is racing now. ok. breathe. it's all ok. i thought some ghost or demon was crackling at my window. because it feels more like night than morning since i didn't sleep last night. it's not the lack of sleep, but rather my biological clock is a little screwed up, with some help from my brother.

i shouldn't blame him though. it all started because one night i decided to stay up a few hours later to beat the pool game on miniclips. and a battle within myself ensued in the following days. and now.. here i am. up at 7.30 am with no sleep since 5 pm yesterday. it's all pretty excellent i have to say. although all this typing is tiring my brain out. but i had to type. i got back from corinna's 2 hours ago and went to bed. only to find that my mind was racing with all these thoughts and plans. i need to call the financial aid office, email my advisor, write my smdep essays, schedule my summers, eventually call uvm rescue for observation. and.... what i should write for smdep. if i didn't already mention it.

well i guess it started from what i should say to my advisor. i was going to tell her about my plans for the summer. or ask if it's a good plan to do summer school this summer, then smdep next summer and research (& mcat prep) the summer after that. i would then further explain how feel that she might want to get to know me better over the course of the year to write me a sincere recommendation and not just for the heck of the nice.

i also feel this way for my chem professor who has no idea i plan to ask him for him, or knows anything much about me, except for seeing me once at work. and seeing him a few times during his office hours.

oh and then.. i thought of what i'm going to write about in my essay and of how interacting with my brother and his friends, especially corinna, has rejuvenated my curiosity. sorta. well, i'm reminded of my need to be curious. a good kind of curiosity though. not the kind that killed the cat. you know what i mean? like einstein. and have the imagination to spark the curiosity.
oh and that's my new year's resolution. then this will lead to being more hardworking and understanding what i'm learning better and actually putting thought and care into my work. i pretty much slacked a lot last semester. hanging out, watching junk and stuff.. that were really awesome stuff, but all in all, i got distracted. not good. not good at all.

oh and i need to email my ex french prof about persepolis. oh and hah. i need to remind my bro to return his borrowed dvd's to clemon's. DOOD. why am i not in uva? it's freakin' awesome. but i also love uvm. ahhh!! i'm at uvm.. well.. the courses sound so much more interesting at uva. or maybe it's because i'm only taking the elementary courses as a first year..

so fustrating!

well. better get some rest. because we're meeting corinna in about 4 hours.. yepp. need to go to the bank too!

good night. you know what i mean. right?

7:23 AM


hey / Monday, January 04, 2010


i know i'm little late, but here i am now!

c'ville has been pretty great. i made my brother spend more than he usually does and he's a little mad with me. i think he's mostly over it though.

well.. i was supposed to say a ton of stuff, like i usually have and again i can't. so... i'm done here.

3:40 PM
