les idees / Wednesday, March 03, 2010
je dois ecrire un essai en francais. je veut ecrire l'importance de musique, mais je ne sais pas comment commencer? ouais. comment?
i don't know la. other ideas... importance of family, is it better to be fairly skilled in everything or have one pwnage skill? je veux ecrire la musique leh.
today has been a good day. i got my lab in, full of great effort one. then we had to do the partnerless! i don't know why. it just causes unnecessary stress. and takes longer and junk..
ok la. i'm going to bed. tonight was awesome, because SO MUCH FISH FOR DINNER! :D
at three servings of fish and then tried some mashed potato thingy ma bob. i don't understand why the grundle can't ALWAYS have dinner this. and lunch.. and breakfast - the most important meal of the day!
well.. GOOD NIGHT.
4:40 PM