new realization / Thursday, April 08, 2010

you know what i need right? a friend who will force me to sit down and study. quietly. because... as much as i schedule my study times, i'm not as productive as i planned to be. everyone!!!.. telling me
no!! it's a friday!! what? why?? why are you studying?? or like tonight (yesterday actually, according to blogger) masha was all like,
why are you reading for psych?? do you have an exam coming up? (no, i don't, but i don't want to cram). well she didn't say it, but she was probably thinking that...
hahaha because i had planned to go ice skating tonight, but i felt God warning me not to waste anymore time. and it's a wednesday night! so.. darn you bored union. why'd you schedule such a fun event on a school night??
i had tons of fun tonight at the rink though! laughed my ass off with the fear of falling on my ass. haven't skated since i was like what? 8?? so i felt really awkward and silly on the rink and was pretty much laughing at myself. but my friends didn't understand (because i didn't tell them i was laughing at myself) and thought i was high. well there were many moments when i didn't know myself why i was cracking up.. hahaha
it feels like the weekend. why can't this be a friday night???
right now i'm into reading this book on justice in relation to christianity. so, cheerio!
oh, and i've been meaning to talk about KRUP. it was AWESOME. great experience. tutored lil' kids! another option in life, be a teacher!
1:40 AM