the beautiful letdown / Monday, April 10, 2006
BOO! i'm sad!
planned t watch
ming dao ystd but then i would have miss grey's anatomy. and you know what? grey's anatomy was a repeat! wahlau. and i can't watch him today because i have t study for my geometry quiz which i'm taking tomorrow because wed i'm going t the play.
AND THEN, tomorrow also cannot watch because tomorrow have t study for the hist
test on wed.
why do i have t take the hist test on wed?
because i'm not missing first period because we only leave for the play at 9! boo! )):
i'm very unhappy. but studies are first. ):
fine. i'll watch him on wed then.
i'm looking for the newer series but cannot find. boo t that too! ):
moving on.
you know what i like about eng? its the only thing i like.
we get t watch movies! (:
so far we've watched..
of mice and men part of the rain man part of forrest gump a midsummer nights dream fahrenheit 451 [which was the worse t watch]
and recentely we watched
the castaway. now, we're watching
o brother where art thou?it was actually aired on tbs a few weeks ago but i missed it. its damn funny lah. (:
au revoir!
- history is going t repeat itself.
3:35 PM