there's never a wish better than this / Saturday, June 24, 2006
i'm pretty much blogging because my dear ahma, yanhan, asked me too. and also because i'm really bored. so this post might be boring. it's vacation for goodness sakes. of course everything's a total bore.
the first thing i would like t say is that i'm veryveryVERY fustrated with my modem. i swear, if that bloody modem stops working and cuts off the connection,.. I WILL KILL THAT BLOODY ROADRUNNER!.. yeah, that bloody roadrunner that just says
BEEPBEEP all day long. i hate the roadrunner. he's evil. teasing the coyote all day. you got nothing better t do is it??
i can't quote anything from
the importanceof being earnest today. i don't know where my book went. my bro placed it in some box..
i've been watching meteor garden.. for the third/fourth time.
i remember the first time i watched it was in the june hols of pri5. and i was packing for the p5 camp. and then the second time was when starhub was having some promotion and aired it on some empty channel. and i think i saw it for the third time.. i don't know.
anyways, i want t say that daomingsi is the best out of anyone! :D
yeah, i've gone retarded. now i'm being all infatuated over these idol people.. hahahaha
talking t rebekah on msn right now.
happy birthday kaylee!!au revoir!
- it's all you, for now.
3:09 AM