you never get quite what you see / Tuesday, June 13, 2006
yaye! no more school! :D
i think i failed the finals. english, okay lah. geom, BAAAD. i didn't finish 4 qns. i didn't know how t answer lah and i gave up and was all, oh screw this. science... uhmm.. i don't know. french. it was bloody easy. it was all mcq! and plus i already learned all that IN MOELC!!.. french is so slow. :/ and then hist.. pretty easy. and then there was an essay! ):
because of the stupid essay, i i had t stay back for awhile t finish and i was last! and i didn't get t say goodbye t kara lee! SHE'S MOVING!! ):
wow.. this doesn't seem like a happy post with all the frowns.
okay. t cheer it up, here's a photo! (:

okay. there's two people i hate in this photo. the rest i love all so dearly! ((:
one is that bitch that isn't even in the group shot. i guess she missed it. and the other is next t the bitch and i hate her because she always goes on about how she likes this so and so person and i'm just like whatever. and she treats me like whatever and therefore i treat her the same way.
albie.. arthritic seahorse!.. she's one in the white sunglasses.. i love those sunglasses.
kasey.. my lifeguard! :D she's standing on my left
and there's also PIE FRIEND!.. the blonde in blue.. also standing next t me! :D
and in the middle.. sock balance!
.. my fringe got in my eyes again -.-"
now i'm gonna blog about aqmfs and that new show rachel recommended, devil beside you.
i think ming dao is the best. all the scenes with him are so funny. like in episode 17 or something. after some stuff that happened with er qi, ya si came and something funny happened.. i forgot.. but it was funny. i love mingdao! :D
as for devil beside you. yes, it is a totally copycat of meteorgarden. and the parents a like so copycat please. at least meteor garden, the parents' foolish acting seemed more natural then this. and i don't like how mike he smiles with his teeth jotting out. it's fugly. and yeah, it's annoying when rainie's songs keeps playing over&over again. and it's like the same song.
oh yeah, and this pyscho guy.. i hate him. he's like so fake punk. and he's so gay!
and yet after all these negatives, i'm still watching. (:
i think i know why their actions are so overrated. because it was taken from an anime book and the actions in the anime books are quite like.. POW!.. BANG!.. BOOM!.. hahahahaha
okay, i'm gonna watch aqmfs now
and one more thing,
happy birthday hana! :D
you know, one thing i realized ytsd when the middle schoolers were visiting the high sch, was that when school reopens in sept, kelly&i are two of the veryveryvery few people who have yet t turn 15. and like alot of middle schoolers that are graduating this year are like 15 and we're one grade higher than them and we're YOUNGER! hahahaha.. we're special. (:
okay, au revoir!
- we probably wouldn't have
got along anyways.
7:08 PM