i'll fly away in the morning / Sunday, October 21, 2007
i am indescribably happy. so many good things have happened.. you dont even know. it all started yesterday. oh man. yesterday truly was the Sweetest Day.
1) jie has internet! you have no idea how i felt when i saw her tags on my board! exactly. indescribable. :D i was :o !! JIE! HI! it was so good!!! i dont even know what to say any more. but no longer do i feel vulnerable.
we're connected again!2) MARCHINGBAND HOMESHOW!we totally owned our field yesterday! we kicked ass! drum major got four stars! and so did visual! and colour guard go 3!! they should after all the hard work they spent
hurting people.. jk. so happy that chelsea got four stars again! oh man. i'm so excited for finals! i will be so amazingly fucking happy if we get four stars because it means than we are more than fucking amazing! because more than half our band, including me, ARE NEW MEMBERS! :D
oh and we beat oob..they never had the right to say they owned our field. conner was hilarious after our show. they were announcing the 50-50 and he was like,
oh no! i left my 50-50 ticket up there (in the band room i suppose). and then they announced the winning number and no one came up for a long moment and conner was like.. IT MUST BE ME!.. but no it wasnt. someone who bought a lot of tickets won. i would have laughed if conner was actually the winning number. and then this other crazy kid went bazerk when he saw his mom awarding the dood his $200+ win.
i suspect that our next field rehearsal is going to be intense.. no.
super intense.
oh and then today, after church, went over to the andreason's and played ddr, super smash bros and watched the count of monte cristo! and ate dominos.
from dedham, mass. its our opening set

i'm off to do my homework now!.. hopefully. cheerio!
5:47 PM