kapow! / Saturday, November 17, 2007
haha! look at my calendar. its so out of date. but it'd be pointless to look because i would've most probably changed it already.
i have nothing to blog about. nothing in this world sparks a thought. so.. uhh.. hmm
i shall continue to waste life away instead of doing the apush study guide. ah, i've forgotten what to do for english. pshh.. i'll just ask jamie or the ben on monday. can't wait for next week! 1.5 day week! why cant they just give us the whole week off? seriously.. what's the point of going to school for just 1.5 days? and dont give all that crap that we'll have an earlier summer.
wanna know another retarded thing about our school? brought up by janaye, our grading system:
A - 93-100
B - 85-93
C - ? - 85
D - 70 - ?
and in other schools:
A - 90 -100
B - ...
D - 60 - ...
and the gpa's are based on the grade letters not numbers which is really retarded because as janaye was saying, if some person from another school got a 91/A and then you got a 92/B the other person's gpa would be higher! but your numbers higher just that they were catagorized under a different grading system.. its ridiculous.
what happened to the sg's passing is 50 and an A is 75? haha
man, but the tests werent as easy to do well on i suppose. or no, i'm just a moron.
speaking of which, physics was pretty moronic yesterday.
10:46 AM