runoff / Friday, September 19, 2008
yesterday i stayed up watching good will hunting, while doing my physics homework, which i dont exactly know what to do, which is why i am now so tired, because i only had 4 and half hours of sleep and that my friends is an example of a run off sentence, which i totally do not feel like ending because this is just too much fun and i'm too tired to type a period and much rather just spell it out because i cant think very well, which is terrible because i need to wake up my brain so that i can actually think of something to write for my ap lit essay for mr furbush's class that is due on the day after my birthday, wednesday, le 24 septembre and i'm also wondering if i can type a whole post a one long running off sentence, which would probably go unread because people would most likely get a huge headache trying to read line by line by line by line, or they would die reading, without a breathe.
oh what an evil scheme that would be. if someone was able to hyptonize the world to read their runoff sentence in such a way that they forget to breathe, he would quite the killer. although it's probably easier to just hypnotize people to kill themselves huh? but then i suppose the hypnosist would be charged of some sort of degree murder for telling them to commit suicide!
now let's take a u-turn to good will hunting. what do you want? what do i want? what do i want to be? what do i want to do?
last year i thought i knew what i wanted for my.. somewhat near future, in terms of college. i know what i want to have by the time i'm 30 or in my thirties.. which oddly does not contain me being married even though i have thought of marriage. wierd or not, i think about it, but yet i dont think i'll ever have such a commitment. i wonder sometimes, do i have commitment issues? not really. i think i have trust issues.. yet not. i know i'm making no sense at all, but, well, i've got. i can trust people in terms of telling them things, but i cant trust their feelings. you know what i mean now? or maybe i just dont trust anyone all together, but i tell them things anyway. well, i lack the trust that they will stay loyal. my jie is an exception. my whole family is an exception.
but still, trust or not, i dont know what i want for college.. i've got it now..
anyway, i was supposed to be thinking about what to write for english, which had nothing to do with good will hunting. i just wanted to talk about it. but my priority was that ap lit essay. which i dont really know what to say. i'm going to stop now.
8:20 AM