gridlocked / Tuesday, November 11, 2008

i wonder if its wrong that i just start typing straight away without focus. none at all. point blank stare at the screen and yak on and on about who knows what. that's exactly what i'm doing right now with that damn critique assignment.. and i guess with my college essay as well. seriously. i dont know where i'm going with all this. confused is exactly what i am. i really dont know what exactly i want to tel colleges about me. oh man. please dont see this like i'm not prepared for college.
i am so ready for college! i cant wait to put myself out there! oh my goodness. what am i going to do?? freaking out again. breathe.
today is veterans day and that also means, veterans day parade! whoo! marching and then waiting for some old doods to stop talking so that you can go on a warm bus and head home where you prepare for an awesome french class that you wish would follow the normal assignment of holidays AND NOT HAVE TO BE THERE.
well, french class wasnt all too terribly. it was actually pretty darn good. just that i had trouble crawling myself out of bed to discuss ideas for my french oral on thursday with hannah.. miles away, across a bridge that replaced a million dollar bridge, and whoo! now we know what we're going to say. i must sound sarcastic, but i am happy that we had a productive discussion.
i'm really sad though, that i'm no longer going to play indiana jones with the awesome marchingband. and no more drills and sigh... this season felt so so so so so so so so so so oh so very short. its all those rainy days and bloody sats and acts and college prep stuff that i just wish would all go away POOF! and everything is done and i can go to college. no, i understand. maybe.
my brain...
its gridlocked? jammed. i'm just blabbering away now. and cheerio!
i'm jogging tomorrow
8:02 PM