yesterday i volunteered at south portland bingo!.. well technically its not volunteer work since i'm going to receive money in some sort of manner.. a hundred dollars to be exact. isnt that amazing? its more than minimum wage. if i worked that job everyday, i'd have a monthly income of $3000.. dood, i'd be fricken happy.. annual salary would be $36 000. and i must say, that isnt too bad right? unfortunately it was only one day.
another unfortunate thing, my florida trip money basically came from feeding off of poor people. watching those people spend an average of more than $20 per person was real sad. its like these people are trapped and consumed by gambling. it was like watching zombies. these people had no control of themselves. well they did stand for awhile contemplating the right decision, but in the end chose the wrong one: TAKING THE GAMBLE.
it was pretty depressing. i know that the music boosters get a lot, and probably most of the funds from bingo nights, but i secretly wished people wouldnt buy anything from me last night. i know its might used to buy instruments and pay for florida and other cool stuff for band, but it just feels wrong that to feed the poor, we feed off the poor.. well their foolishness. its like social darwinism. survival of the fittest. the foolish die.. like dodo birds. its sad, terribly sad.
if only there were better ways of raising funds.
seriously, i wish those people i saw last night who are need of cash and are just throwing it all away, will see the light and stop. because they just sit there unhappy.. moaning. why dont they just stop?? whats wrong with them?? why cant they find better things to do? or go and actually live life doing things they love not moan!?
more than 50% of those people playing bingo looked exhausted.. WHY NOT SLEEP?!!
i'd rather sleep than gamble.. and there's nothing exhilarating about bingo gambling anyways. you wanna know whats exhilarating? gambling your life by sky diving. there you go. theres a gamble.
of course i couldnt say any of this while i worked last night or i'd probably get pummeled.
so i had a band concert on thursday.. right after french class! and i was extremely nervous because of my solo in cold duck time. i has always rushed during rehearsal. i wrote all over my paper "GO SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW... ER." and "relax" and "BE COOL" yeah.. hah.
i think it was probably the worst performance i'd ever seen from the concert band in my four years of high school. someone on the end playing tenor, was playing that slow quarter notes in the middle of prairie dances so wrong. he'd tongue the first note of a sequence of eight slurred notes so hard that it just sounded wrong and gave easy access for rushing, you know what i mean? like dood... CALM DOWN.
it was the messiest band concert i've ever played.
oh and i have more exciting news! so yesterday i earned a hundred bucks toward my florida trip right? and my mom sold my raffle tickets for me, which is another hundred, and now i only need to $90!.. unless i'm able to sell more raffle tickets, then less than 90!! whoo! so guilty. so guilty... at least raffles arent as bad as bingo.
it also makes me wonder, how many people in this world are actually do things they absolutely love for a living? you know?
how many people in this world dont have huge complaints for their job?
or how many people are out there embracing life?.. like, feeling the majesty of the mountains or the beat of the music, or the textures of the world around!
i swear, i have to be living life, even now as a student. so many people in this world are wasting the opportunity given to them to live. its terrible.
so many people are wasting their lives doing pointless things to give other people an opportunity to live.. like gambling.. when your family at home could be starving, or when there are people in guatamala and haiti who are illiterate.
on other news, french v is having a reunion!.. on the 22nd.. the same day there's jazz band rehearsal and i might not be able to go. ): someones getting their wisdom teeth out and he'd probably rather rest than go to the reunion and i'd probably end up not seeing him at all. so.. i might go still. and then at 2.11 i'd rush down to the band room.. thats what i'm playing. i hope jazz band starts late that day.. or better yet, no rehearsal because skeff will go off to do something.. like a doctor's appointment or something!
oh man. thats probably the teeniest problem in my life right now.