the starry night / Tuesday, December 23, 2008

If I could only put all this into words. there's so many things going on in my head. Sometimes I feel like one of these lines, lost with a million others. the only way to be seen is by the chance that i catch someone's eye. oh how lucky i would be. oh how lucky would he be.
its times like this, like when i'm doing my college essay, that i wish someone could just read my mind. i give them my brain. one look and they'll understand. you know what i mean? probably not.
back to this picture. the story behind it:
one day in chem, last thursday to be exact, ms macvane was going over our chem homework from the textbook, about electron configurations. originally i had sketched an open book. and i drew lines in all directions to draw the pages, flipping throught the book. line after line, i drew, and soon i realized that the binding center of the book looked just like a sun, setting in the evening sky. at the same time, the painting of the starry night had been in my head all morning, so immediately i thought, man, i could really make something out of this. but it was orginally meant to look like a book. there were too many lines. i had to start all over.
and this is what came out of it!
i guess you could say its my impression of the post impression, the starry night, by van gogh.
i just watched the pianist and i'm very shakey right now. and my mom came home an hour ago and told me that she had a car accident, which unsettled me even more.
life is so sweet sometimes.
i might have a fever too
8:42 PM